1 Tanster could be set at the value of 1 hour of skilled labor. It could be issued as a digital certificate or as a 15mm T Sapphire.
Do a transaction. Let me put it on my feedback page which is already created. Let me send you a T Sapphire in your choice of color. I will happily send it to both parties involved in the transaction. Make the deal as “store credit” or an “IOU” against your labor or something you own or sell. If you issue “store credit”, I will honor and back it up with my precious arguably supernatural T stones. These stones feel amazing! Don’t believe me? Then try it and prove me wrong. Email me at therealtanster@gmail.com
I am also willing to offer natural emeralds, rubies and sapphires for someone who will encourage my money system. That is how much I want us to be set free from the present money monopoly. Will you help me? Do you have that kind of courage?
I’m willing to do free repairs on the T Sapphire setting. I can make the setting into a button or a necklace. You can exchange the color. You can collect them and I will make the stones into a bracelet or necklace if you collect enough. This T Stone comes with rights against my resources and time. I will support this money system as long as I can. I promise to do the accounting for it. If the community supports me, I will support it back.
I’m willing to offer scented pomanders, healing oil blends, rainbow chains like the one above. I am clairvoyant and I can even offer very good advice that people really do want from me because my predictions so far have ALL come true.
Anyone carefully following this project knows that this is absolutely true. Many remember that I predicted the Super Bowl upset of the Eagles over the Patriots - no spread - that occurred 2/2/18. All the gematria fake truthers on YouTube got that one wrong.
I can back up a money system with a lot of genuine value. I can issue digital Tansters which I must accept. I can only get a digital Tanster from a member of the public. I have none because I cannot issue them to myself.
This is my roll on Mint Kokane device. I roll it on the back of my hand and breathe it in and it clears my breathing. It works and you might benefit from it. If you let me issue you digital Tansters, you can put them to me - I have to redeem digital Tansters - and I will send this product to you. This product cannot hurt a person and it may very well help. The roll on ball is a beautiful crystal stone.
This ball is exquisite fluorite. It’s a very dreamy aquatic feeling stone that is often clear green or purple.
This gorgeous necklace is made of a big lab sapphire, rubies emeralds, a blue sapphires. These stones are all corundum stones. They are extremely hard stones. A scented Pomander weights the necklace. I’m happy to offer a custom oil blend perfume with the Pomander. The stones are set in polished aluminum which is strong, light, bright, and it doesn’t tarnish.
I can set the T Sapphire as a button or I can set it this way to protect the stone from scratches.
Once you’re holding T Stones, they can be traded as cash. This is money if it can buy things that are desirable. If you let me know about a transaction for my feedback page, I will send you more currency. My art is bound to appreciate. Do you agree? Do you think a financial hedge is a smart idea when the present fiat currency loses value every single day?
My health which wasn’t that great has improved enormously since I started working with these stones and oils. I’m curious if it will do the same for others. Help me find out.
Join our non predatory money system.
I’m willing to do all of these things and put my name behind it because that is how fed up I am with the present international money monopoly.
Together in cooperation, we can get free.
Anything can be adapted to suit your interests. Help me help you get free.