The divide we are seeing is the divide that has been there all along. Those of us who have courage and want to stand together for our rights need to do so now. God will help us but WE MUST DO OUR PART. That is how free will works.
Below we see a video by a pilot speaking out. He warns of shifting baseline syndrome, meaning in this context that though we are being herded into directions that will lead no where that will benefit us - many lack the ability to perceive it due to generational time factors.
To learn more about US Freedom Flyers lawsuits, click here.
The US Freedom Flyers website states, “We are a group of transportation professionals representing the air, rail, and trucking industries who are spearheading efforts to protect medical health freedom.”
“Our goal is to push back against the US government’s threats of vaccine mandates for private businesses. We know this effort is not simply a matter of employees versus companies, but citizens opposing illegal and tyrannical mandates by the US government.”
“The Biden Administration vaccine mandate announcement on September 9, 2021 made it abundantly clear that its focus is not on maintaining our rights and freedoms as outlined in our Constitution, but on its totalitarian rule. Our freedoms and lives have been upended because of a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate. We will not allow this fear-mongering campaign to continue on the American people.”
“This is not about being for or against the Covid-19 vaccine. This is about the government mandating a medical intervention without the fully informed consent of the individual.”
The link is here.
We must uphold the law because it is there to protect us.
Have you noticed they always have a nice sounding pretext and a wall of publicists and guilt trips whenever they show up trying to steal our rights?
Their masks change, their patterns do not.