Hortense Bonaparte war eine sehr einfühlsame Person.
Napoleon Louis Bonaparte
This is the story of how Hortense Bonaparte attempted to save her sons from an oligarch trap. So much of the misery we see today and in history arises from rulers without any empathy. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if empathetic people could ever make it through all the traps to actually become leaders themselves.
Hortense writes:
So much misery pierced my heart; there was an echo in my soul for any misfortune, and I loved to overcome my weakness, in order to better alleviate so much suffering.
Two brothers were crying about going their separate ways, they only had the means to pay for one place on the vessel that was going to set sail.
I learned this and I sent by Mr. Zappi the necessary sum to keep them together. It is so sweet to be of service! Ah! it is not pain that withers the heart!
I was at the height of misfortune, and I still had the ability to feel that of others. I saw from my window this ship which was going to carry away the rest of this brave youth, undoubtedly reckless, because it had not sufficiently calculated its means; but prudence is so selfish.
Let us not reproach youth for the faults which enhance their brilliant qualities; it is also in these disinterested souls that we can find what ennobles man.
Zucchi, a distinguished former general of my brother's army, had thrown himself into the revolution. Despite all his efforts and the entire confidence that was placed in him, for they wanted to give him the dictatorship, he remained to fight near Modena, not having had time to form a regiment in Bologna.
He was still coming to Rimini to protect the retreat, and was going to Ancona to defend it, when he was obliged to resign himself to the common fate.
There was no amnesty for his person; the animosity of the Austrians against him was known. He embarked on this frail ship which was the last to remain in the port.
The sea was still, no wind was blowing, and we had to get away from the coast. The enemy army was advancing. Finally, very slowly, I saw them all disappear, and I breathed;
I forgot the Austrian flotillas which I thought easier to avoid than the approaching army was, and I believed them saved.
So here I am, left alone in the midst of dangers. My weakness was gone. A nervous tension gave me an artificial force, it is true, but incredible. My pulse was convulsive, and I looked calm.
Still near my son's bed; placed between the fear of seeing him attacked by a disease which required so much care, and the fear perhaps even greater that he would fall into the hands of the Austrians, for the orders were formal, he was excluded from any amnesty; placed between these two torments, I had found the strength to contemplate them in cold blood.
C'est l'histoire de la façon dont Hortense Bonaparte a tenté de sauver ses fils d'un piège à oligarques. Une grande partie de la misère que nous voyons aujourd'hui et dans l'histoire provient de dirigeants sans aucune empathie.
Parfois, je me demande ce que ce serait si des gens empathiques pouvaient un jour passer à travers tous les pièges pour devenir eux-mêmes des leaders.
Hortense écrit:
Dies ist die Geschichte, wie Hortense Bonaparte versuchte, ihre Söhne vor einer Oligarchenfalle zu retten. So viel von dem Elend, das wir heute und in der Geschichte sehen, entsteht von Herrschern ohne Empathie. Manchmal frage ich mich, wie es wäre, wenn einfühlsame Menschen jemals alle Fallen überwinden könnten, um selbst Führer zu werden. Hortense schreibt:
Hortense’s explanation why she broke the law is here.
Voici pourquoi Hortense explique pourquoi elle a enfreint la loi.
Hortense erklärt, warum sie gegen das Gesetz verstoßen hat.
Congruent memoirs about Napoleon are available here.
Des mémoires fidèles sur Napoléon sont disponibles ici
Las memorias congruentes sobre Napoleón están disponibles aquí.