Albine’s trip following Napoleon takes a dark turn. Le voyage d'Albine à la suite de Napoléon prend une tournure sombre.

This is a series where we’re translating the memoirs of Napoleon’s suspected last mistress Countess Albine de Montholon who maybe poisoned him and killed his baby. Sounds wild but that’s where the arrows are pointing. If that’s all true, then these memoirs could be out there to throw people off the scent. We’ll keep digging so we can find the congruent story.


When we last left off, everything was fairly pleasant on the ship and some of the sailors were cross dressing for a play they put on.

- in the evening, we first saw the coast of England. We passed in front of the Isle of Wight, so beautiful and green and covered with country houses which created a charming effect.
On the 24th, anchors were dropped in front of Torbay. All communication with the land was forbidden.
It was with great difficulty that it was deemed permissible for Cipriani to descend to the ground to stock up on supplies (1). General Gourgaud, had arrived a few days before but had not yet been able to disembark.

(1) Cipriani was the Emperor's cook.


On July 26, at five in the morning, we set sail for Plymouth, where we arrived at four in the evening.

Barely in port, the Bellérophon became the object of interest and the eagerness of the inhabitants of Plymouth, then of all England, as the news of the appearance of the Emperor was spreading there.
We wanted to land; they wanted to see the great man.
The sea was covered with boats filled with capsizing men of all classes and elegant women.
These boats surrounded the ship in the hope of seeing the Emperor; they came close enough to speak to us.
This eagerness worried the Government, and an order was given to force the curious to leave.

Gunboats were launched, commanded by officers from Bellerophon, who repelled the boats of the curious; but they insisted on staying, at the risk of perishing.
The women, standing, clung to the arms of the men and did not want us to go away.

The Government feared that an old English law would force them to show us hospitality and aid upon landing; it was decided to move us away as quickly as possible.

Since we were in the harbor of Plymouth, we began to talk amongst ourselves about Saint Helena as the place where we could be sent, and each of us began to inquire about this island. Some told us that the country was beautiful and the climate healthy; others that it was a horrible, unhealthy place to stay, that we would find there all the inconveniences and unpleasant things that one generally finds in the tropics, poisonous animals, etc.

Il s'agit d'une série où nous traduisons les mémoires de la dernière maîtresse Comtesse Albine de Montholon présumée de Napoléon qui l'a peut-être empoisonné et tué son bébé.

Cela semble sauvage, mais c'est là que les flèches pointent. Si tout cela est vrai, alors ces mémoires pourraient être là pour caché la verité.

Nous allons continuer à creuser pour trouver l'histoire congruente.
La dernière fois que nous nous sommes arrêtés, tout était assez agréable sur le navire et certains marins se sont déguisés en femmes pour un pièce qu'ils ont donné

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