Montholon changes his personality in his letters. Montholon change sa personnalité dans ses lettres.

This is part of a series of letters between the Montholons, the mysterious couple who followed Napoleon to St. Helena and who did whatever they could to extract money from him.


Charles de Montholon changes his personality and no longer professes desperate love for his wife and children and neither still seems to care at all about the welfare of Napoleon. Right now all signs are pointing to them being the agents who poisoned Napoleon. Montholon’s stepfather M. de Sémonville was known for being an “ardent clubist”.


Brussels, October 26, 1819.

I have finally arranged that what you asked me for your personal needs would be available for you.

You will have from me 1,200 francs. In this way, if you cannot be given any more salary, you can do without it. This credit will be open to you at William Holmes, 3, Lyon's Inn, Strand (1). If you need more, shoot it by him, he will never give you the inconvenience of having your drafts refused, as were those of Count Bertrand.

Finally everything will be paid.

1. It seems certain that it was O'Meara who put Mme. de Montholon in contact with the banker Holmes, his friend.

A letter from O'Meara to Mme. de Montholon begs him to consider Holmes "as if it were I who had the honor of answering you, and to believe everything he tells you in matters that concern us" (Letter of September 15, 1819, communicated by the Vicomte du Couëdic de Kergoualer).


Longwood, October 31, 1819.

If you have not yet sent someone to replace me, do not waste a moment, no matter who, provided it is one of his former officers, generals or friends. I think it will be easy for you to find them: so many of these unfortunate companions of his glory are wandering today that it seems difficult to me that there are not many happy to come and seek there a honorable rest for a few years.

Bertrand and his wife plan to return to Europe in March, they say it loudly enough (1) ; however I do not believe it, and her pregnancy, which has been declared for several days, may well hinder it, although it ensures that it will only be one more reason to hasten her departure, which, moreover, we do not wish to block.

This poor Mr. Buonavita is completely moribund, hardly can he say Mass. The second priest is a Corsican mountaineer, whose education has not altered his savage exterior (2).

I very much doubt that he will ever bring any charm to our conversation. The surgeon alone must be counted in this respect, as well as in that of art; he shows talent, but it’s impossible to hope to take advantage of it for cabinet [office work] (3). I give it up. (4)

1. See Balmain's report, October 1, 1819 (Blue review of June 12, 1897).

2. Judgment analogous to that of Doctor Verling on Vignali "a savage, unpolished Corsican" (National Archives, AB XIX, 92, entry n ° 34. Journal de Verling, September 20, 1819).

3. That is to say to write the Memoirs under the dictation of Napoleon. Montholon, the only secretary since Gourgaud's departure, would not have been sorry to find help in his work.

4. Cf. the Last Moments, October 9, 1819. correspond to the attempt to "take advantage of Antommarchi for the cabinet".


Brussels, November 1819.

I’ll take care of making available to you what is necessary so that you will never be in embarrassment. Our credit in Saint Helena should not be brilliant; Bertrand's drafts sent by Ibbetson? for 3,000 pounds sterling in all, were also refused.

1. This would seem to indicate that the negotiations with Holmes were not entirely finished.

2. Ibbetson had taken on the charge of purveyor (supplier) for the Longwood establishment.

Cela fait partie d'une série de lettres entre les Montholons, le mystérieux couple qui a suivi Napoléon à Sainte-Hélène qui a fait tout ce qu'il pouvait pour lui retirer de l'argent.
Charles de Montholon change de personnalité et ne professe plus d'amour désespéré pour sa femme et ses enfants et aucun ne semble encore se soucier du bien-être de Napoléon.

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