Napoleon says it’s like Hortense is in Congo. Napoléon dit que c'est comme Hortense est au Congo.

Napoleon wasn’t getting enough attention from Hortense. This is the letter that previewed him bringing Hortense to the coast to show off what he was doing at Boulogne. We already published letters about how much joy this brought her.
This letter was from a time when Napoleon and Josephine were hoping water treatments would result in a pregnancy.


Napoleon to Josephine in Aix- la - Chapelle.
Ostend, on 26 Thermidor, year XII (August 14, 1804).

My friend, I haven't received any news from you for several days: I would however have been very happy to have been informed of the good effect of the waters, and of the way in which you spend your time. I've been for eight days in Ostend.
I will be the day after tomorrow in Boulogne for a fairly brilliant celebration. Send me mail about what you intend to do, and when you’ll be finishing your bath treatment.

I am very satisfied with the army and the flotillas. Eugène is still in Blois. I don't hear anything from Hortense as if she were in the Congo. I write to her to scold her.
A thousand kind things for everyone.


Napoléon n'obtenait pas assez d'attention de Hortense. C'est la lettre qui l'a amené à emmener Hortense sur la côte pour montrer ce qu'il faisait à Boulogne.

Nous avons déjà publié des lettres sur la joie que cela lui a apportée. Cette lettre datait d'une époque où Napoléon et Joséphine espéraient que les traitements à l'eau entraîneraient une grossesse.

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