Montholon says Napoleon’s had staff asking if they could get married. Montholon dit que Napoléon avait personnel qui veulent de se marier.

This is part of a series translating the letters of the alleged poisoner of Napoleon, Count Charles de Montholon, to his wife, the supposed last mistress of Napoleon, Albine. When we last left off, Montholon was suggesting he couldn’t leave because he had put so much effort into something but he wouldn’t say what. All of these letters would be read by the highly despised Governor of St. Helena, Sir Hudson Lowe. In this letter, Napoleon is merely referred to as “he”.

Count Charles Tristan de Montholon-Sémonville.

Count Charles Tristan de Montholon-Sémonville.

As always, we must ask why doesn’t Montholon leave if he’s not there to do something sneaky.

From the Count to the COUNTESS OF MONTHOLON Longwood, this August 3, 1819.
I will write you only one word today, my good Albine; it's almost unforgivable, when you're so far away, so long without letters; but I am ill-disposed, and I fear to communicate to you all the sadness of my soul.
Still nothing new here; almost everyday ships come in but none bring us the doctors so announced, and so impatiently awaited by me!
What a life, great God! I will never have the courage to prolong our separation; I admit all my weakness. I have a need of you that I cannot express. It seems to me that all I have left in life is pain and an unbearable breathe.
I hide as much as I can the grief that overwhelms me; No one here would hear me, no one knows how to love and I find where there would be love, instead of heart, only pieces of lava cooled by time!
The mania for marriage has won over Marchand, Ali and Archambaud. They all act like they’re crazy.
They knock on all doors and do everything possible to reach their goal. However, there is always only Aly who gets the consent, on condition that his beauty will stay with Mme. Bertrand;

Valet Louis Marchand.

Valet Louis Marchand.

I even believe that they will remain there. Marchand has some hope. As for Archambaud, he experiences only refusals, blows, even threats of being shamefully expelled; but, in my opinion, he will be the first married.
This is all that Longwood offers for news to tell you, if not that I could discuss the famous wall of lawn, which has been wanted for so long, which I finally had orders to ask for, and which was done as an extension of the library, so as to cut the wind.
At this moment, there are plans to increase the small garden, which is being carried out at this moment. About our work; neither he nor I are willing; very sad days, even sadder thoughts! Goodbye, my Albine, take good care of your health. To take care of yourself is to prove to me that you love me. Kiss our children for me. Yours, all yours for life.


Countess Albine de Montholon.

Countess Albine de Montholon.

Cela fait partie d'une série traduisant les lettres du présumé empoisonneur de Napoléon, le comte Charles de Montholon, à son épouse, la supposée dernière maîtresse de Napoléon, Albine.

La dernière fois que nous nous sommes arrêtés, Montholon a laissé entendre qu'il ne pouvait pas partir parce qu'il avait mis tant d'efforts dans quelque chose, mais il ne voulait pas dire quoi.

Toutes ces lettres seraient lues par le gouverneur très méprisé de Sainte-Hélène.

Napoléon est simplement appelé «lui».

Comme toujours, nous devons nous demander pourquoi Montholon ne part pas s’il n’est pas là pour faire quelque chose de sournois.

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