Marie Louise runs back to the group who sent her to Napoleon. Marie Louise revient vers le groupe qui l'a envoyée à Napoléon.

I am trying to find out the truth about Napoleon’s 2nd wife Marie Louise. As I have searched for and read books about Marie Louise, I have found that over the last 200 hundred years there has been a chorus of writers saying basically, “Marie Louise was wonderful, sincere and a victim. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!”

The phrase, “history is written by the victors” comes to mind.

I have dealt with more than one writer, publicist or agent who is alive today who has been gatekeeping this Marie Louise story and who has attempted to subvert me into deviating from the path that I am on. This one Bavarian (who knows I have her real name) needs to stop contacting me.

When I started researching Napoleon in the 90s, I saw so many contradictions in the books I was reading that I obviously didn’t know what to believe. I settled on mostly believing 2 accounts of the life of Napoleon - the memoirs of Napoleon’s valet Marchand, and the memoirs of Napoleon’s stepdaughter Hortense.

I believed Hortense and Marchand so much that I found a way to have plays based on both of these memoirs that I wrote and performed in produced off Broadway in Manhattan, New York.

After all these years, I have even more confidence in these accounts. These 2 memoirs are congruent with each other. They are also congruent with all of these other memoirs that are available here.

Based on Hortense’s memoirs, Marie Louise who had professed to adore Napoleon, changed her story on April 15th, 1814. That account is here. Marie Louise’s actions subsequent to that meeting are congruent with what she said to Hortense. Actions are generally more truthful than words.

Let’s look at the letter Marie Louise wrote to the de facto ruler of Austria, Metternich 3 days before Marie Louise surprised Hortense with her new way of presenting her feelings about her husband.

Keep in mind how Marie Louise sounds excited to go back under the physical control of the father who publicly sacrificed her to Napoleon and then turned on her husband and then helped destroy the throne she came to occupy. The throne her son was born to occupy.

Marie Louise writes:

Thank you for agreeing to transmit to the Emperor of Austria the two letters which I addressed to him by MM. Beausset and Saint-Aulaire. I look forward to seeing the person you will send me who will arrange (our stay in Vienna) and to when that will have been concluded. I fully trust in the friendship that my father has always showed me and in the good feelings with which you seem to have shown for me in all circumstances.
I very much wish to see my father, and it is for this purpose that I write the attached letter to him that I beg you to be good enough to deliver it to him.
The desire he has to bring me near him touches me beyond what I can tell you.
But I cannot commit myself to it of my own choice. You will easily understand, Prince, that it is not for me to decide this question alone. Besides, I will tell my father about it in the interview he wants to give me. I take the pleasure of this opportunity to renew to you the assurance of the feelings of esteem and confidence with which I am:

Your very attached, Marie-Louise.
Orleans, April 12, 1814 (1).
(1) This letter, of which have the original in hand, was written by M. Meneval.

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J'essaie de découvrir la vérité sur la deuxième épouse de Napoléon, Marie Louise. En cherchant et en lisant des livres sur Marie Louise, j'ai découvert qu'au cours des 200 dernières années, il y avait un chœur d'écrivains qui disait essentiellement: «Marie Louise était merveilleuse, sincère et victime. RIEN À VOIR ICI!"
La phrase «l'histoire est écrite par les vainqueurs» me vient à l'esprit.

J'ai eu affaire à plus d'un écrivain, publiciste ou agent vivant aujourd'hui qui a gardé cette histoire de Marie Louise et qui a tenté de me détourner pour m'éloigner du chemin que je suis. Celui-ci bavarois doit cesser de me contacter.
Quand j'ai commencé à faire des recherches sur Napoléon dans les années 90, j'ai vu tellement de contradictions dans les livres que je lisais que je ne savais évidemment pas quoi croire. Je me suis contenté de croire principalement 2 récits de la vie de Napoléon - les mémoires du valet Marchand de Napoléon et les mémoires de la belle-fille de Napoléon, Hortense.

Après toutes ces années, j'ai encore plus confiance en ces comptes. Ces 2 mémoires coïncident. Ils sont également conformes à tous ces autres mémoires qui sont disponibles ici.
Sur la base des mémoires d'Hortense, Marie Louise qui avait professé adorer Napoléon, a changé son histoire le 15 avril 1814. Ce récit est ici.
Les actions de Marie Louise à la suite de cette réunion sont conformes à ce qu’elle a dit à Hortense. Les actions sont généralement plus véridiques que les mots.

Regardons la lettre que Marie Louise a écrite au souverain de facto d'Autriche, Metternich, 3 jours avant que Marie Louise surprenne Hortense avec sa nouvelle façon de présenter ses sentiments à propos de son mari.
Gardez à l'esprit comment Marie Louise semble excitée de revenir sous le contrôle physique du père qui l'a publiquement sacrifiée à Napoléon, puis a allumé son mari et a ensuite aidé à détruire le trône qu'elle est venue occuper. Le trône que son fils est né pour occuper.
Marie Louise écrit:

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Marie Louise’s ascendant is in Pisces. This could be an indication of deceptiveness. Her first house of identity contains Chiron (wounds), Venus (money/peace), Pluto (transformation), Mercury (communications) and the Sun (fame). Saturn (control) is present in the 1st house of Marie Louise’s natal chart. Marie Louise is always under someone’s control her entire life to the best of my knowledge. She was also described in our memoirs as sometimes cold and grave. In her letters to Napoleon, she says she sees events in a dark light. She told a few people she felt she was cursed. She also partnered with men old enough to be her father. All these hints could point to Saturn in the 1st house of identity.

Marie Louise will become famous in a very transformed way at this time. Pisces (illusion) and Aries (war) dominate her 1st house, a domain of Aries (war). This can be an indication of a person whose identity is wrapped up in playing deceptive war games that brought peace through the destruction of the opposition who fought for the sovereignty of France. To further heighten this theme, Mars (violence) is transiting Marie Louise’s 3rd house (Mercury/media) in Gemini (Mercury/communications). An army of writers (Mercury/Mars) will be enlisted up until today to try and clean up the gashes incurred to this person’s reputation. A Pisces ascendant can also indicate that she was herself prone to illusion about herself and others.

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L'ascendant de Marie Louise est en Poissons. Cela pourrait être une indication de tromperie. Sa première maison d'identité contient Chiron (blessures), Vénus (argent / paix), Pluton (transformation), Mercure (communications) et le Soleil (renommée).

Marie Louise va devenir célèbre de manière très transformée à cette époque. Poissons (illusion) et Bélier (guerre) dominent sa 1ère maison, un domaine du Bélier (guerre). Cela peut être une indication d'une personne dont l'identité est enveloppée dans des jeux de guerre trompeurs qui ont apporté la paix par la destruction de l'opposition qui a combattu pour la souveraineté de la France. Pour approfondir ce thème, Mars (violence) transite par la 3ème maison de Marie Louise (Mercure / média) à Gémeaux (Mercure / communication). Une armée d'écrivains (Mercure / Mars) sera indemnisée pour essayer de nettoyer les entailles occasionnées à la réputation de cette personne.


To find out how Marie Louise was portraying herself to Napoleon around this time, click here.

More astrology relevant to this saga can be found here.

Pour découvrir comment Marie Louise se représentait à Napoléon à cette époque, cliquez ici.

Plus d'astrologie pertinente à cette saga peut être trouvée ici.