This is part of a series where we are looking at the letters between Napoleon and Marie Louise at the very end of their marriage. At this point, they are never to see each other again and Napoleon will never again see their son.
To clarify the sincerity levels below, it is worth noting that not too long after this, once Napoleon had lost his crown, Hortense went to console Marie Louise and Hortense was shocked to hear Marie Louise worry aloud that her father might command her to join Napoleon at his exile in Elba. Read about that here. Marie Louise, in contrast, to the letter below expresses no interest in her son in her diary. Read about that here.
Marie Louise writes:
My dear friend. I already wrote to you this morning to answer your letter from yesterday morning, since that time I have not heard from you, you will find me very demanding if I tell you that I never have enough.
I am sending you a watch chain from my hair, the one you had worn out before you left, I hope it will make you think of me sometimes, and that you will be happy with it. I saw the Arch-Chancellor and the King, they didn't tell me anything new, the Arch-Chancellor was very sick.
Your son kisses you, he is very cheerful and is doing very well, he becomes more pleasant everyday, he thinks very often of you and tells me about you, he asks me when you will come back, I would very much like if it were in my power to tell him that day because it would be in a very short time. I am doing quite well, however I have a headache, and I may very well have a migraine tomorrow, it would not be pleasant for the reception and the Mass.
I beg you to believe in all the feelings of the one who loves you dearly.
Your loving friend Louise.
Paris, March 12, 1814 at 8 o'clock in the evening.
Author’s note:
If an address had been made, Napoleon would, according to his own admission, have arrested Joseph, the ministers and all the signatories. “I do not want a tribune of the people; I am the great tribune.”
Napoleon writes:
My good Louise, I received your letter of March 12, which pleased me, because I saw that you have no secrets from me, and that you don't let yourself be led. You did well to refuse to send someone. I would have received it very badly.
I don't need anyone to set the tone to take the interests of the people more seriously than I do. I want what suits France more than anyone, and if it is possible, I will make peace. My health is very good. Goodbye, my good friend. A kiss to my son and don't doubt [your]
Soisson [s], March 13 [1814] at 3 a.m.
Cela fait partie d'une série où nous regardons les lettres entre Napoléon et Marie Louise à la toute fin de leur mariage. À ce stade, ils ne doivent plus se revoir et Napoléon ne reverra plus jamais leur fils.
Peu de temps après cela, une fois que Napoléon avait perdu sa couronne, Hortense est allé consoler Marie Louise et Hortense a été choquée d'entendre Marie Louise s'inquiéter que son père pourrait lui ordonner de rejoindre Napoléon lors de son exil à l'île d'Elbe. Lisez à ce sujet ici
Marie Louise écrit:
Let’s look at the planetary transits the day Marie Louise wrote her letter. Neptune (illusion) is transiting Marie Louise’s midheaven. Many will be wondering soon if Marie Louise was creating an illusion in her professions of love as she is soon to run away from Napoleon into the arms of his enemies. Chiron (wounds) are on her ascendant. The lifelong wealthy Marie Louise has Taurus (Venus/possessions) associated with her 2nd house of money. Mars (violence) is transiting this area. That could show an uncertain moment for her wealth.
Regardons les transits planétaires le jour où Marie Louise a écrit sa lettre. Neptune (illusion) traverse le midheaven de Marie Louise. Beaucoup se demanderont bientôt si Marie Louise créait une illusion dans ses métiers d'amour alors qu'elle va bientôt fuir Napoléon dans les bras de ses ennemis. Chiron (blessures) est sur son ascendant. La riche Marie Louise, toute sa vie, a un Taureau (Vénus / possessions) associé à sa 2e maison d'argent. Mars (violence) traverse cette zone. Cela pourrait montrer un moment incertain pour sa richesse.
Jupiter (foreign matters/expansion) is transiting Napoleon’s midheaven where we find Neptune (illusion) and Mars (war). Napoleon is at war and he is being tricked to some degree by his wife and those who sent her. In his memoirs. Napoleon described his second marriage as a “bed of roses disguising an abyss”. Napoleon’s descendant, or area of partnership, shows us a natal Uranus (surprises) in Taurus (Venus/love/money). At the end of Napoleon’s marriage, Mars (violence) transits this space. Chiron (wounds) and Pluto (death) transit Napoleon’s 4th house of home matters (Moon). This home area of the 4th house contains an intercepted (trapped energy) sensitive Pisces constellation. The Sun (spotlight) also transits this area as Napoleon’s home life crumbles into debris.
La victoire appartient aux plus persévérants
Jupiter (matières étrangères / expansion) traverse le midheaven de Napoléon où se trouvent Neptune (illusion) et Mars (guerre). Napoléon est en guerre et il est en quelque sorte trompé par sa femme et ceux qui l'ont envoyée. Dans ses mémoires, Napoléon a décrit son deuxième mariage comme un «lit de roses déguisant un abîme». Le descendant de Napoléon, ou zone de partenariat, nous montre un Uranus natal (surprises) en Taureau (Vénus / amour / argent). A la fin du mariage de Napoléon, Mars (violence) traverse cet espace. Chiron (blessures) et Pluton (mort) transitent par la 4e maison des affaires domestiques de Napoléon (Lune). Cette zone d'origine de la 4e maison contient une constellation de Poissons sensibles interceptés (énergie piégée). Le Soleil (projecteur) traverse également cette zone alors que la vie familiale de Napoléon s'effondre en débris.