Why was Montholon with Napoleon if he hated it so much? Pourquoi Montholon était-il avec Napoléon s'il détestait tant ça?

The following is from the highly suspected poisoner of Napoleon, Count Charles de Montholon to his wife the probable last mistress of Napoleon. Montholon seems to be longing for the death of Napoleon so he can finally get out of St. Helena.


Charles writes:

Dear Albine,

Longwood, July 7, 1819.

Five days have passed since your departure, my dear Albine, and each time I feel more keenly the need of you, of my children; I miss their noise and their cries; I would like to hear, in these eternal nights, my Lili calling me.
My life is regular like that of a cenobite; I have lunch at my house and dine with the Emperor. Every morning, Bertrand believes himself obliged to come to see me, not when I get up, but at my lunch; he remains half an hour and leaves, without us saying, for two days, four words to each other.
Yesterday, the Emperor was in one of his dark moods; he got up at four and went back to bed at half past five; he only spoke to me about you and your children.
No sooner did he reflect on the newspapers, which, moreover, prove that France is beginning to be constitutional. Your departure, and Mme. Bertrand's illness, which does not end and is always at the same point, has thrown a black veil over Longwood, which was already so monotonous.
Joséphine (1) is getting married in two days (2), all the arrangements have been made, they have between them 20,000 francs, which will belong to the survivor, as well as their belongings, if they have no children; in case of children, the survivor will only get the benefit of the money for life. The contract is being drafted this morning. The Emperor will take her as a linenwoman, and pay her the wages you once gave her.

1. Maid of Mme. de Montholon.

2. With Noverraz, Napoleon's valet.

This arrangement seems to me to be in accordance with your wishes, and I have arranged everything in this direction. Jackson leaves tomorrow on a Chinese line ship (1).
I charge him to carry you a small packet of various forgotten objects in your cupboards, which I told you about in my last letter. How happy he is! He will see you again. When will heaven grant my wishes? When will I be with you to never leave you?
I hope the newspapers will tell us something positive about the arrival of doctors, priests (2), etc., but nothing new, always more uncertainty.
I wrote to you that I thought it was better for you to return to England, that I feared that our arbitrary diabolical French would harm you; the spirit of the latest newspapers reassures me a little in this regard (3). But I think you’re better off on free soil. than to be exposed to faction hostilities, which can be silent today, yet can be victorious tomorrow, especially when it is only a question of spending a little more, which is in reality very unimportant.
A few more months in England can never make a big difference; you should not have any worries about this. Do not fear the high cost of England. What I want for you is the waters of Cheltenham, after which you should get a country house. It is the most suitable kind of life, and in which, without a doubt, you will have the most pleasure. Send us all the works of the day, and all those which, are in the form of memoirs and which contain official documents, whatever has appeared for four years: libels or otherwise.

1. A ship returning from China to England.
2. They were still in London.

3. It was the time of the Decazes ministry.

Farewell, Albine darling, I kiss you. I love you and my poor children with all the strength of my soul.
Yours, all yours, for life.



Ce qui suit est de l'empoisonneur hautement soupçonné de Napoléon, le comte Charles de Montholon à son épouse, la dernière maîtresse probable de Napoléon.

Montholon semble vouloir la mort de Napoléon pour qu'il puisse enfin sortir de Sainte-Hélène.

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Let’s look at Charles’ chart. This man is always miserable in his letters. He shows not enough interest in Napoleon to explain why he voluntarily stays with him.

Pluto (death), Chiron (affliction) and Saturn (constriction), a grim trio, transit Charles’ 2nd house of values or wealth associated with Taurus which is ruled by Venus. Pluto, Chiron and Saturn are about to enter Aries which is ruled by Mars (violence). To echo this destructive theme, Mars is transiting Chiron along the IC (Imum Coeli) - a place of origins. Is this man being forced by the faction from whence he comes via the force of his debts to slowly murder the greatest man of his time?


Regardons le tableau de Charles. Cet homme est toujours misérable dans ses lettres. Il ne montre pas assez d'intérêt pour Napoléon pour expliquer pourquoi il reste volontairement avec lui.
Pluton (mort), Chiron (affliction) et Saturne (constriction), un trio sinistre, transitent par la 2e maison de valeurs ou de richesse de Charles associée au Taureau, qui est dirigée par Vénus. Pluton, Chiron et Saturne sont sur le point d'entrer dans le Bélier qui est gouverné par Mars (violence). Pour faire écho à ce thème destructeur, Mars transite Chiron près de l'IC (Imum Coeli) - un lieu d'origine. Cet homme est-il contraint par la faction d'où il vient par la force de ses dettes à assassiner lentement le plus grand homme de son temps?
