What Napoleon II said publicly 5 months before his death at age 21. Ce que Napoléon II a dit publiquement 5 mois avant sa mort à 21 ans.

The revolution of 1830 saw a regime change where the new leader was just like the old leader. Even though the new leader, Louis-Philippe acted as if he were similar to Napoleon during the uprising; Once he had assumed power, he reinstated the exile of all the Bonapartes from France.



Napoleon’s 2nd wife, Marie Louise who had abandoned Napoleon’s son and who had to face an uprising of her own, remembered her pre-1814 attitude regarding Napoleon in public and she issued an open letter in 1830 to Louis-Philippe complaining about this ban.

Napoleon and Marie Louise’s son, Napoleon François, wrote a letter of his own to Louis-Philippe about this ban and other opinions. He would be dead 5 months later. The Austrian government would resolve her revolution difficulties for her and she would continue to enjoy her Duchy in Italy for many more decades.

LETTER FROM NAPOLEON FRANÇOIS, Ex King of Rome, Duke of Reichstadt,

To His Majesty LOUIS-PHILIPPE I, King of the French

Relating to the opinion of this young Prince

It pleases the Eternal One who holds in his hands and directs at will the destinies of kings like those of other men, to fix my career in a state of adversity.

If your illumination and wisdom, Sire, is real you haven’t really been showing it for some time. You should be seeing this clearly by now.

The son of a Hero, Emperor and King, of an illustrious legend, whose name still makes Europe tremble, I seemed at birth called to a brilliant destiny about which my father concerned himself seriously.


He destined me to a throne. Since this great man’s principle goal was the civilization of the world, he intended for me to occupy a throne and he settled down naturally on choosing Rome, whose ancient splendor has been erased by the domination of the apostles of darkness. It has been said along with a great citizen of the past century, Voltaire, concerning this ancient city formerly so brilliant and at the highest level concerning valor and talent:

No more hero, no more great man

Among this conquered people
There is now a pope, and Rome is gone!

Napoleon had conceived the hope of seeing reborn in me, with his help, one of the greatest citizens who had ever graced this superb city. I was therefore King of Rome and I sat on the throne of the Caesars.

But soon a crowd of kings, jealous of my father's glory, trembling under my father, leagued against my father and defeated him, they finally broke his noble sword, utilizing the indignity of cowardice.

They seduced many of our geniuses, such as Bourmont and Ragusa, and these men who owed so much to Napoleon, were quite wicked and ungrateful enough to betray him!
From then on, our valiant women, led by them in reverse, succumbed!

And then the Emperor and his family were detained and banned. These marks of betrayal, much more than the loss of the throne were painful to the hero of Austerlitz.
Also he expressed himself sincerely, when, on the vessel which carried him to St. Helena, as he was beginning to lose sight of the land of France, he took off his hat, and turning his gaze to the French shore, he exclaimed in a moved voice "O France! O my love! Receive my tender farewell. A few traitors less, and you would still be the greatest nation, the queen of the world!!!”

Such Sire is the first of my adversities.

Napoleon François

Napoleon François

My father is accused of wrongs. If Your Majesty understands, it is not for me to speak of them. My second sorrow, the one that is the torment of my entire life, is that by the end of our fall, France, noble France, my dear home, was chained by a coalition of despots, and France was delivered into a horrifying tyranny of vengeance, the vengeance of a crowd of nobles and Jesuits.

Speaking of nobles, I know how to make a distinction. There are worthy nobles in France; these nobles have not risen and will not cause any harm to the French, because they always loved their country, the disturbance of which would be the most serious scourge to all.
But there are some who are ambitious and cruel; these nobles, who are the only ones whom I want to discuss, regret their former privileges and the absolute government which gave them the treasures of the nation by the hand, those treasures which are only collected through the taxes paid by the people.

They hate freedom as well as equality before the law, which are contrary to their Machiavellian ambition; and that is why they always conspire against the constitutional system.

Vindictive nobles, and you also, deceitful in other colors, you who after our disgrace, have so foolishly overlayed your poisonous features on the life of my illustrious father, do you remember well? Traitors that this great man could have repudiated were shown his clemency. In his mercy, you were admitted to reside on the french soil that you were in so many respects, unworthy to tread on!

And you, the elder branch of the Bourbons, you became surrounded by such a horde, under a hypocritical mask, in a course of malevolence and with the support of foreign cannons, you came to France with the secret purpose of chaining up my dear fellow citizens forever and presenting them as a burnt offering, body and soul, to the will of your supporters of all colors.
France knew your plans. She fought them with a firm hand for fifteen years, without being able to escape from all the Jesuit traps that you have helped to maintain.
Your progressive successes have warmed up your audacity, and in this exuberant drive, you have, with your impatient hands full of perjury and despotism, put a clause in the charter, this contract about which you had sworn before God, to observe faithfully, which imposed on you duties towards the nation, and on whose will the nation has suffered your presence, and as a crowning glory, this abomination has been sealed by the blood of the French, that you immediately poured into the streams of a criminal dynasty!
France could immediately take to the field and put an end to your days; and nevertheless good and generous, she has been confined to nurturing a serpent at her breast.

Cruel Charles X! -

To be continued.

Charles X

Charles X

La révolution de 1830 a vu un changement de régime où le nouveau chef était comme l'ancien chef. Même si le nouveau chef, Louis-Philippe a agi comme s'il était semblable à Napoléon pendant le soulèvement. Une fois au pouvoir, il rétablit l'exil de tous les Bonaparte de France.
La deuxième épouse de Napoléon, Marie Louise, qui avait abandonné le fils de Napoléon et qui avait dû faire face à un soulèvement, se souvint de son attitude d'avant 1814 à l'égard de Napoléon en public et elle adressa une lettre ouverte en 1830 à Louis-Philippe pour se plaindre de cette interdiction.
Le fils de Napoléon et de Marie Louise, Napoléon François, a écrit une lettre à Louis-Philippe sur cette interdiction et d'autres opinions. Il serait mort 5 mois plus tard. Le gouvernement autrichien résoudrait pour Marie Louise ses difficultés de révolution et elle continuerait de profiter de son duché en Italie pendant encore de nombreuses décennies.

Marie Louise

Marie Louise

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Let’s look at the transits on the day of the writing of this courageous epistle.

We see Pluto (power/murder) in the 12th house of secret enemies (Neptune). Revolutionary Uranus has been transiting Napoleon François’ midheaven (reputation) also in Uranus ruled Aquarius.
We also find many other planets clustered in this area of career and renown. Self sacrificing and sometimes all too truthful (Jesus is strongly identified with this energy) Neptune and vocal Mercury are also transiting this young man’s 10th house (Saturn/career/restriction).
The Sun, the spotlight - fame - is transiting Napoleon François’ 11th house of the multitude where natal Pluto (manipulation for good or ill) can be found. This restricted former King has Saturn transiting the 5th house of royal Leo (the Sun).

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Regardons les transits le jour de la rédaction de cette courageuse épître.

Nous voyons Pluton (pouvoir / meurtre) dans la 12e maison des ennemis secrets (Neptune). Uranus révolutionnaire à transité le milieu du ciel de Napoléon François (réputation) également dans Uranus gouverné Verseau.
Nous trouvons également de nombreuses autres planètes regroupées dans ce domaine de carrière et de renommée.

Abnégation et parfois trop véridique (Jésus est fortement identifié à cette énergie) Neptune et Mercure vocal traversent également la 10e maison de ce jeune homme (Saturne / carrière / restriction).

Le Soleil, la vedette - la gloire - traverse la 11e maison de la multitude de Napoléon François où se trouve Pluton natal (manipulation pour le meilleur ou pour le pire). Cet ancien roi restreint fait transiter Saturne par la 5e maison du Lion royal (le Soleil).
