Is Marie Louise congruent? Marie Louise est-elle congruente?

To try and find the truth, I search for the congruent story.

Here we are going to examine some full letters from Napoleon’s second wife, Marie Louise.

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Let’s look at a letter from during Marie Louise’s marriage to Napoleon. It’s always important to remember that the very devoutly Catholic Marie Louise was brought up to view Napoleon as the antichrist - someone who physically abused and murdered people around him. Then she was obligated to marry him. This first letter is written to a mother figure - her governess, Madame de Colloredo. At the writing of this letter, Napoleon is at the height of his power about to fight his ill fated Russian Campaign.

Marie Louise writes.


June 11, 1812.

Although the Emperor told me that you will be coming for a few days, I cannot help but tell you myself all the pleasure I will have in seeing you again and ensuring you of all my friendship and the lively renewal of warm regards that I owe you.
I really did not dare to hope to have this satisfaction anytime soon, but there is a bit of regret mingled in with it, that of not being able to see Victoire [Madame de Colloredo’s daughter].
Please tell her that it is a great sorrow for me, however I am happy to know that she is in good health, I will write to her shortly.

I thank you for all the letters that you have written to me these 2 months, if I have not answered, it is not out of laziness, but you will see that the preparations for such a great journey, and the torments that I must experience in thinking of such a cruel separation as I am experiencing now, this does not leave me a moment of free time.
I am delighted to know that you are in good health, as well as your children, I hope you will bring them, so that I may have the pleasure of seeing them.
I have excellent news from the Emperor and my son, the first is doing wonderfully on all of his campaigns, the second is weaned.
You can imagine the happiness that I feel being in the midst of my family, because you know how I love them, however that sentiment is disturbed by the sorrow of finding myself separated from the Emperor, I cannot be happy except near him.
I beg you to be persuaded of all the feelings of friendship and esteem with which I am

Your very attached,

Marie Louise.

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Pour essayer de trouver la vérité, je recherche l'histoire congruente. Ici, nous allons examiner des lettres complètes de la 2ème épouse de Napoléon, Marie Louise.
Regardons une lettre écrit pendant le mariage de Marie Louise avec Napoléon. Il est toujours important de se rappeler que la très dévotement catholique Marie Louise a été élevée pour voir Napoléon comme l'antéchrist - quelqu'un qui a agressé et assassiné physiquement les gens autour de lui. Elle a ensuite été obligée de l'épouser. Cette première lettre est écrite à une figure mère - sa gouvernante, Madame de Colloredo. A l'écriture de cette lettre, Napoléon est au sommet de sa puissance sur le point de combattre sa malheureuse campaign de Russie.

Marie Louise écrit.

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Let’s look at a letter after the death of Napoleon. Marie Louise learns of her husband’s death from a newspaper 2 months after this death occurred. By this time, she has already brought a few more children into the world with Count Neipperg and her son with Napoleon is left behind where Napoleon’s enemies run the palace where he lives. This was the deal Neipperg had Marie Louise agree to in exchange for them getting to take possession of the Italian Duchy of Parma. Neipperg’s wife died right around the time when he needed to be free for this arrangement to work out. He had 4 children with his wife. This letter is addressed to the daughter of Madame de Colloredo, Victoire.

Marie Louise writes.

Sala, July 19, 1821.

I am very ashamed to begin my letter today, my dear Victoire having four of yours in my Portfolio, and I must ask you for your forbearance, but when the affairs of State make me write a lot, I’m reluctant to take up the pen in the evening, and you must forgive me by thinking that this does not prevent me from loving you dearly and thinking very often of you.
I am so happy to learn that Monsieur de Crenneville and all the children are doing well, and I admire your great courage for having put François in the Theresianum, I want you to always be happy with this educational establishment.

The air in the garden will surely do a lot of good for the Count, but I am as unhappy as you that he is exposed to the rainy and cold air and you should use all your feminine authority to prevent it.

I am now in great uncertainty, the Piedmont Gazette announced in such a positive way the death of the Emperor Napoleon that it is almost no longer possible to doubt it, I admit that I was extremely struck although I never had a keen feeling of any kind for him, I cannot forget that he is the Father of my son, and that far from mistreating me as the world believes he always showed me complete respect, the only thing you could ask for in a political marriage.

I was therefore very afflicted and although we must be happy that he ended his unhappy existence in a Christian manner, I would have however wished for him many more years of happiness and life - as long as it was far from me.
I have settled in Sala, not wanting to go to the theater until we know something for sure. My health is so frail and now this shock, Moriggi is however happy with me, and he makes me believe that I only need care, because I can eat everything, even melon, I only still have weakness of the nerves but this will also pass. All the rest of are fine, the couple Dal Verme went to spend eight days in Milan, and eight days in his country estate and Madame Scarampi is established in Milan since the injury of her child, there was a stroke in his head but he is already a little better, and his memory is recovering slowly.

We are expecting here shortly the King and Queen of Sardinia who, moreover, are in no hurry to return to their states, they will spend two weeks with me and I am very happy because they are such good people. You may remember her when she was in Vienna with my grandmother in 1800; these twenty-one years have not changed her and she is still the same as she was then.
The heat is starting to make itself felt a lot and with it the cousins, I was so stung in the face that I look like a monster, and I am happy not to have to show myself.
I will make a horseriding excursion in the mountains shortly to see the parts of the Duchy which are still unknown to me, but the time is not yet fixed, it depends a lot on what Asculape says. Many warm regards to all yours, I kiss the children, did you receive the dress and the hat? Goodbye my dear Victoire, the General and Pauline Wallis speak of you and I embrace you. I beg you to believe in all of my tender and sincere friendship.


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Regardons une lettre après la mort de Napoléon. Marie Louise apprend la mort de son mari dans un journal 2 mois après ce décès. À cette époque, elle a déjà mis au monde quelques enfants de plus avec le comte Neipperg et son fils avec Napoléon est laissé derrière où les ennemis de Napoléon dirigent le palais où il vit. Ce fut l'accord que Neipperg avait fait accepter à Marie Louise en échange de prendre possession du duché italien de Parme. L'épouse de Neipperg est décédée au moment où il avait besoin d'être libre pour que cet arrangement fonctionne. Il a eu 4 enfants avec sa femme. Cette lettre est adressée à la fille de Madame de Colloredo, Victoire.
Marie Louise écrit.

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Let’s look at Marie Louise’s planetary transits when Napoleon went off to fight in Russia. Uranus (shocks) is slowly transiting Marie Louise’s 8th house associated with Pluto (transformation/power) in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto).

She also has Neptune (illusion) transiting her midheaven (reputation). This natal chart shows an ascendant (how she appears to others) in Pisces (Neptune). Trickery could be a big factor somehow at this time. Neptune is the ruler of this chart because Neptune rules the ascendant, Pisces.
This chart may be showing that illusion is a major theme in this life. The natal placement of Neptune is in the 7th house of partnership (Libra/Venus), where we also find Mars (warrior) and Jupiter (foreign expansion) These planets, Jupiter, Neptune and Mars could allude to illusion themes regarding a partner.

To reinforce this theme, Marie Louise has Mars in her house of partnership in Virgo (Mercury). Napoleon’s chart is dominated by a Mars in Virgo conjunct Neptune (illusion) in his 10th house of career (Saturn).
We also find Pluto (death/power/transformation) in Pisces (illusion) transiting Marie Louise 1st house of identity (Mars/Aries). Saturn (limitation) in Aries (Mars) is also placed in this space of the natal chart. This could read as a time of the crumbling of structures around this person and a partner who had Mars in Virgo.

Voyons les transits planétaires de Marie Louise lorsque Napoléon est parti combattre en Russie. Uranus (chocs) traverse lentement la 8ème maison de Marie Louise associée à Pluton (transformation / puissance) en Scorpion (gouverné par Pluton). Elle a également Neptune (illusion) transitant par son milieu du ciel (réputation). Cette carte du ciel montre un ascendant (comment elle apparaît aux autres) en Poissons (Neptune). La ruse pourrait être en quelque sorte un gros facteur en ce moment. Neptune est le maître de ce tableau parce que Neptune gouverne l'ascendant, les Poissons.

Ce tableau peut montrer que l'illusion est un thème majeur dans cette vie. Le placement natal de Neptune est dans la 7e maison du partenariat (Balance / Vénus), où l'on retrouve également Mars (guerrier) et Jupiter (expansion étrangère). Ces planètes, Jupiter, Neptune et Mars pourraient faire allusion à des thèmes d'illusion concernant un partenaire.
Pour renforcer ce thème, Marie Louise a Mars dans sa maison de partenariat en Vierge (Mercure). La carte de Napoléon est dominée par un Mars en Vierge conjoint à Neptune (illusion) dans sa 10e maison de carrière (Saturne). On retrouve également Pluton (mort / pouvoir / transformation) en Poissons (illusion) transitant par la 1ère maison d'identité (Mars / Bélier). Saturne (limitation) en Bélier (Mars) est également placé dans cet espace du thème natal. Cela pourrait se lire comme un moment d'effondrement des structures autour de cette personne et d'un partenaire qui avait Mars en Vierge.

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Let’s look at the transits when Napoleon left for his campaign in Russia. Saturn (establishment) is transiting Napoleon’s natal Pluto (destruction) in Capricorn (Saturn) in the 2nd house of values (Venus/love). This could mean the destruction of what he’s built and values.

Mars (energy/violence), Jupiter (foreign affairs) and the Moon (emotion) transit Cancer (feminine home associated feelings) in Napoleon’s 8th house connected to Pluto (death/power). Mars could be bringing energy to the transformation of Napoleon’s power and his home life.

Voyons les transits lorsque Napoléon est parti pour sa campagne en Russie. Saturne (établissement) transite Pluton natal de Napoléon (destruction) en Capricorne (Saturne) dans la 2e maison des valeurs (Vénus / amour). Cela pourrait signifier la destruction de ce qu'il a construit et de ses valeurs. Mars (énergie / violence), Jupiter (affaires étrangères) et la Lune (émotion) transitent par le Cancer (sentiments féminins liés à la maison) dans la 8e maison de Napoléon associée à Pluton (mort / pouvoir). Mars pourrait apporter de l'énergie à la transformation du pouvoir et de la vie domestique de Napoléon.

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Let’s look at the transits when Marie Louise found out her recently healthy husband was dead after 6 years of captivity at the mercy of his enemies on St. Helena. Marie Louise’s recently healthy son would also be dead by 1832.
Mars (war/activity/fire) transits Marie Louise’s Gemini (Mercury/thinking) in her 3rd house, which is associated with Mercury and communications. Marie Louise is thinking and communicating about her husband who abounded with Mars energy. This transit occurs near the IC - a place of the chart pertaining to family and origins.

Pluto (death), Chiron (wounds), Saturn (constriction) and Jupiter (foreign expansion) all transit the natal constellation Aries (war) in her 1st house of identity where we find natal Saturn (structures/institutions). The Moon (feminine emotion) also transits Pisces (sensitivity) in this 1st house which is also associated with Aries in this chart. A case could be made that these planets reflect the themes of the second letter about the destruction (Pluto) of a just and generous foreign minded (Jupiter) warrior (Aries) in connection to the established powers (Saturn).


Voyons les transits lorsque Marie Louise a découvert que son mari récemment en bonne santé était mort après 6 ans de captivité à la merci de ses ennemis à Sainte-Hélène. Le fils récemment en bonne santé de Marie Louise serait également mort d'ici 1832.
Mars (guerre / activité / feu) transite les Gémeaux de Marie Louise (Mercure / pensée) dans sa 3ème maison, qui est associée à Mercure et aux communications. Marie Louise pense et communique sur son mari qui regorge d'énergie sur Mars.

Ce transit se produit près de l'IC (imum coeli) - un endroit de la carte concernant la famille et les origines. Pluton (mort), Chiron (blessures), Saturne (constriction) et Jupiter (expansion étrangère) transitent tous par la constellation natale Bélier (guerre) dans sa 1ère maison d'identité où l'on retrouve Saturne natal (structures / institutions). La Lune (émotion féminine) transite également les Poissons (sensibilité) dans cette 1ère maison qui est également associée au Bélier dans ce thème. On pourrait faire valoir que ces planètes reflètent les thèmes de la deuxième lettre sur la destruction (Pluton) d'un guerrier (Bélier) à l'esprit étranger juste et généreux (Jupiter) en relation avec les pouvoirs établis (Saturne).

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My goal in looking at these charts is to find themes and support for the congruent story relating to the undisputed facts of the Napoleon saga. Is it possible to prove or disprove the utility of Astrology through this examination? That’s what I’m exploring here.

Mon objectif en regardant ces graphiques est de trouver des thèmes et un soutien pour l'histoire congruente relative aux faits incontestés de la saga Napoléon. Est-il possible de prouver ou de réfuter l'utilité de l'astrologie à travers cet examen? C’est ce que j’explore ici,

Further information about the following topics are available at the hyperlinks below.

De plus amples informations sur les sujets suivants sont disponibles sur les hyperliens ci-dessous.

Marie Louise

Napoleonic astrology

Napoleonic memoirs.