Pourquoi Hortense a enfreint la loi: elle secoue l'ennemi de ses traces.
Warum Hortense das Gesetz gebrochen hat: Sie schüttelt den Feind von ihren Spuren.
Hortense de Beauharnais Bonaparte
Here I am obliged to see the coming of day without finding the means of withdrawing my son from the glances which would come to discover him to send him back or deliver him to his enemies.
It was still one of the most painful crises to endure. The hostel was filled with all those who went to seek refuge in Corsica, and we had to hide ourselves from them with as much care as from other less benevolent ones.
An indiscretion could increase my torments so much! So I stayed in my carriage to wait, I will not say patiently, for time never seemed so long and my agitation was so great, while my son, weak, still suffering, overwhelmed with pain and filled with indifference about his destiny, had fallen asleep on a stone bench in the street!
Finally, my horses rested for two hours, people had agreed to take us to a village where they hoped to find others belonging to peasants.
Day was breaking when we crossed this beautiful valley of Chiana. Nothing hindered our journey, and finally we were able to rest at night in a small town close to mineral waters, Nature was at its end: without this night when the excess of fatigue gave me a little sleep, I believe that I would have died.
In this little traveled road, we had changed drivers several times; our trace was lost; no one knew who I was.
在这里,我不得不看到日子的到来,而没有找到从儿子的眼神中撤出儿子的方式,这些眼神会发现他将儿子遣送回去或将他送交敌人。 它仍然是忍受最痛苦的危机之一。 旅馆里到处都是来科西嘉岛寻求庇护的人,我们不得不和其他那些仁慈的人一样,对他们躲藏起来。
轻率行为会使我的折磨增加很多! 因此,我呆在车上等待,我不会耐心地说,因为时间从来没有这么长,我的激动如此之大,而我的儿子虚弱,仍然受苦,不堪重负,精神饱满 对他的命运漠不关心,已经在街上的石凳上睡着了!
当我们越过这个美丽的基亚纳山谷时,日子已经破灭了。 没有任何事情阻碍我们的旅程,最后我们能够在靠近矿泉水的一个小镇里晚上休息,大自然已经到了尽头:没有这个夜晚,过度的疲劳让我睡了一点,我相信 我会死的。
在这条人迹罕至的道路上,我们多次更换了司机。 我们的踪迹丢失了; 没有人知道我是谁。