L'ennemi redouble d'efforts pour piéger Louis Napoléon Bonaparte.
Der Feind verstärkt seine Bemühungen, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte zu fangen.
Hortense tells of her daring escape through enemy occupied Italy:
Dead from fatigue, however, I only stopped for a few hours in a poor village beyond the Austrian outposts. I had to move forward quickly; too many dangers were around us!
How painful this road was! And it was necessary to remove sad memories to deal only with the present. At Foligno, where my son could be recognized so easily, my courier was ordered to have the horses moved out of town.
I also went to Perugia, which I had once seen so festive, so brilliant; now it was gloomy, silent, still on her own, but without hope, she awaited the enemy. The authorities instituted at the time of the insurrection, had just taken advantage of the amnesty by going to embark at Leghorn for Corsica.
I had just spent a moment in a friendly country; but it was Tuscany that was becoming worrisome to me.
My children were so known there! In spite of the kindness of the sovereign, his government, placed under the power of Austria, could not forgive them for having deceived its surveillance in order to embrace an enemy cause.
It was therefore necessary to spend the night at this border where we could be examined. I stopped again in a poor village, only to arrive at two in the morning on the outskirts of Tuscany.
There, my courier came to tell me that they did not want to sign my passport; that the commissary of police had been sent expressly for this purpose from Florence, having spent the whole day examining the various travelers, he had gone to rest in a countryside, a league away, and that no one could enter without his permission.
There was cause for despair; for at the last post my son had been recognized, and every word the postilion said to the clerk at the barrier caused me extreme fear.
By Hortense
Hortense raconte sa fuite audacieuse à travers l'Italie occupée par l'ennemi.
Hortense erzählt von ihrer gewagten Flucht durch das feindlich besetzte Italien.
但是,由于疲劳而死了,我只在奥地利哨所以外的一个坏村庄停留了几个小时。 我必须迅速前进; 我们周围有太多危险! 这条路多么痛苦! 并且有必要消除悲伤的回忆,以便只处理当前的情况。 在福利尼奥(Foligno),我的儿子很容易被人认出,我的信使被命令将马放到镇外。 我还去了佩鲁贾,我见过如此的同性恋,如此的辉煌。 现在,她阴郁,沉默,仍然独自一人,但她没有希望,就等着敌人。 暴动时成立的当局只是利用特赦的优势,前往莱格霍恩前往科西嘉岛。 我刚刚在一个友好的国家度过了一段时间。 但是托斯卡纳对我来说变得越来越强大。 我的孩子在那里很出名! 尽管拥有主权,但他的政府在奥地利的影响下无法原谅他们欺骗了监视其敌人的事业。 因此,有必要在这个边界过夜,以便我们进行检查。 我在一个不好的村庄再次停下来,只是早上两点到达托斯卡纳郊区。 在那儿,我的邮件来告诉我他们不想在我的护照上签名。 佛罗伦萨的特使为此目的特意派出了警察局,整整一整天都在认清各种乘客,他已经在一个联盟附近的乡下安息了,未经他的允许,任何人都不能进入。 造成绝望的原因; 因为在最后一个职位上,我的儿子已经被认出了,并且在岗亭对店员说的每句话都使我极为恐惧。