Tanster’s Hero’s Journey resembles Breaking Bad/Le voyage du héros de Tanster ressemble à Breaking Bad

guest post by Basilisk

As someone who has been following The Tanster Project for quite some time, I have noticed parallels to the show Breaking Bad.

One phase of Tanster’s Project centered on exposing the hypocrisy and lies in the New Age movement. That was season one of a new phase in Tanster’s new Hero’s Journey. She was fighting evil. it was an exciting, powerful time.

The villain in season one of Breaking Bad was Crazy 8. He was an interesting character and a good villain. It was startling when they killed him off. That meant there would be a whole new villain for the next season.

As it turns out, the next major villain that Tanster exposed on her project was the English government. Through the in depth exploration of the experiences of Napoleon Bonaparte, it became very apparent just how truly inhumane and destructive the English government has always been.

The next Big Bad in Breaking Bad was Tuco. The English government is Tuco.