Albine continues to be a total badass in her memoirs. Albine continue d'être un dur à cuire total dans ses mémoires.

This is a series about the rumored last mistress of Napoleon, Albine. Her husband Count Tristan de Montholon is believed by many to be the poisoner of Napoleon. Toxicology reports show a lot of arsenic in Napoleon’s hair and I had a pleasant interaction with the champion of this theory, Ben Weider. He actually wrote me that he heard Napoleon ask him for vindication from the other side. I have also heard this call - to put it mildly.
Nevertheless, I have felt that the interminable “debates” about Napoleon are a dead end and a distraction from the real truth about Napoleon.
I feel the real struggle about Napoleon was about humanity vs. the small gang of ruthless types who will stop at nothing to prey on the energy of the majority. I do feel that Napoleon made mistakes and that he could’ve played his hand better BUT - his struggle was worthy and I still carry his flag because I feel that we are in a system of (techno)feudalism that quashes culture.


The pressure exerted on me via “carrots” and “sticks” to change my message to something more “celebrity/Trump” based has left me with the impression that the internet is a huge crowd control operation. Unfortunate dupes are being led around by the nose with the illusion of “views”, “comments” and “likes”. Those of us who won’t play along with establishment serving divisive narratives find that those numbers that were once there are suddenly gone with the wind. It is up to every individual to open their eyes to covert media manipulation for themselves.

To get at the truth, let’s examine the congruent story (and the congruent story only) in more and more detail. What will we learn about Napoleon and those who surrounded him? The congruent story told by innumerable witnesses is already established and it can be accessed here. All of these books agree on all major points. Napoleon is the same person in all of these books. The one noncongruent book that I broadcast (that of valet Constant) was removed from the list.

Below you will find Albine’s supposed memoirs. When we last left off, all the carriages of the Emperor’s suite were traveling towards the port as Napoleon was trying to make his way to America - where he was hoping to reunite his family.

Albine writes:
- at the same time, a pistol was pointed at my door. They were Vendeans who, knowing that one of the carriages we were waiting for had passed outside the city, thought they were making a big catch by stopping me.
Seeing only two women, they were a little surprised. I had taken them for thieves and, seeing this pistol barrel aimed at me, I had thrown my child at my feet. After this first moment of surprise, we came to the explanations.
They invited me to turn back, which I refused to do; but they told me that a gendarme who was following them ordered the municipality to take me back to Saintes. Indeed, the gendarme arrived. And showed me the order. I submitted, not without difficulty. The two young men who had arrested me were each walking to a door. One was a former officer; ashamed of what he was doing, he apologized.

The other was a real chouan [royalist]. He absolutely wanted me to be Princess Borghese, nothing I said could dissuade him.

I had two servants on the seat [the carriage upper platform]. One worked for me and the other for General Gourgaud. They were armed, and I asked them how it was that they hadn't fired, since they had, like me, taken these gentlemen for thieves.

The chouan had heard me ask this question and told me during the journey that I had to be the Emperor's sister to regret that they had not been shot. On entering Saintes, at the inn where I was taken, I saw Prince Joseph through a window, who had also been arrested.

At that moment, I heard the noise of the two carriages and the pistol shots. I thought we were killing them all; but I was soon reassured and we found ourselves reunited. The whole city was at the windows. The municipality intervened against the people behind our arrests; we had passports in good standing from the provisional government and we were able to continue on our way, glad that the carriages had not been looted. We crossed the city in the middle of an immense crowd, among which I was greeted by my ex-officer -

To be continued.


Il s'agit d'une série de la dernière maîtresse de Napoléon, Albine. Son mari, le comte Tristan de Montholon, est considéré par beaucoup comme l'empoisonneur de Napoléon.
Les rapports de toxicologie montrent beaucoup d'arsenic dans les cheveux de Napoléon et j'ai eu une interaction agréable avec le champion de cette théorie, Ben Weider. Il m'a en fait écrit qu'il avait entendu Napoléon lui demander la justification de l'autre côté. J'ai également entendu cet appel - pour le dire en douceur.
Néanmoins, j'ai senti que les interminables «débats» sur Napoléon sont une impasse et une distraction de la vérité sur Napoléon. Je pense que la vraie lutte à propos de Napoléon concernait l'humanité contre le petit gang de types impitoyables qui ne reculeront devant rien pour exploiter l'énergie de la majorité.
Je pense que Napoléon a fait des erreurs et qu'il aurait pu mieux jouer sa main MAIS - sa lutte était digne et je porte toujours son drapeau parce que je pense que nous sommes dans un système de (techno) féodalisme qui annule la culture.
La pression exercée sur moi via des «carottes» et des «bâtons» pour changer mon message en quelque chose de plus basé sur «célébrité / Trump» m'a donné l'impression qu'Internet est une énorme opération de contrôle des foules. Les dupes malheureux sont menés par le nez avec l'illusion de «vues», de «commentaires» et de «Cœurs».
Ceux d’entre nous qui ne joueront pas avec l’établissement servant des récits qui divisent trouvent que ces chiffres qui étaient autrefois là-bas ont soudainement disparu avec le vent. Il appartient à chaque individu d'ouvrir les yeux sur une manipulation secrète des médias pour lui-même. Pour découvrir la vérité, examinons l'histoire congruente (et l'histoire congruente uniquement) de plus en plus en détail.

Qu'apprendrons-nous de Napoléon et de ceux qui l'entouraient? L'histoire congruente racontée par d'innombrables témoins est déjà établie et peut être consultée ici.
Tous ces livres s'accordent sur tous les points majeurs. Napoléon est la même personne dans tous ces livres. Le seul livre non cohérent que j'ai diffusé (celui du valet Constant) a été retiré de la liste.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez les supposés mémoires d'Albine. Lorsque nous nous sommes arrêtés pour la dernière fois, toutes les voitures de la suite de l'Empereur se dirigeaient vers le port alors que Napoléon tentait de se rendre en Amérique - où il espérait réunir sa famille.

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The memoirs so far are available here.

Les mémoires sont disponibles ici.