The end of a political marriage. La fin d'un mariage politique.

In order to try and attain peace - Napoleon forsook his wife and married the unknown offspring of an enemy who had been dishonest with him. This daughter was by reputation unattractive. Nonetheless, the couple did find something interesting in one another - for a time. Let’s read the letters at the end of Napoleon and Marie Louise.

At the time of the letters below, Napoleon was so inured to betrayal by his family that he was expecting his brother Joseph to start seducing Marie Louise.

The first letter shows Marie Louise writing about Joseph Bonaparte.

I saw the King [Joseph] this morning, he advised me to tell you that one can hardly see me when I walk on the terrace that I go through the underground, that one says "we are afraid for ourselves", since we do not let ourselves pass in the open, and that no one wears a hat for the same reason.
He claims that I would do well to try to walk by the path where I used to pass, I told him that I didn't want to take the decision upon myself and that I would ask you for your opinion before I changed anything.

Your son is doing well, he gives you a kiss, he is really becoming so lovable that I would like you to see him, you would find him very changed in a good way.
My health is quite good, I have a migraine this evening, I think it comes from the cold, we never had such a spring, I am very sorry for this bad time for your military operations.

Farewell, my dear friend, believe in all my tender feelings. Your faithful friend Louise

Paris, This March 10, 1814 at 10 o'clock in the evening.


Already on June 7, 1813, Napoleon had, almost officially, forbidden the Empress to receive the Arch-Chancellor when she was in bed. “This is only allowed after the age of 30.”
The attitude of the Emperor towards his brother Joseph remains contradictory and suspicious.

My friend, I received your letter. Do not have too much familiarity with the King. Keep him away from you, never let him in your interior apartments. Receive him as you do Cambaceres, in ceremonies and in your living room.
Do not let him take the tone of advising you on your way of being and living, you do better than he does. I approve that you walk by the subterranean terrace.
What the king says is nonsense, besides the public doesn't have to get involved in this.
I hope you don't change the way you live. It is perfect, wonderful and has earned you the esteem of everyone. So you just have to do as you have done. When the king gives you advice that doesn't concern him, since I'm not far from you, you must break up the conversation and talk about something else and be cold. Put a lot of reserve between you the king and keep him away from you.

As much as you can, talk to him in front of the duchess and at the corner of a window. However, this is not required. But don't let him mingle too much with what doesn't concern him; and your internal affairs, never enter into them with him. Goodbye, my friend. The weather is very bad.
All yours,

Soissons, March 11, 1814, at 5 p.m.

Image 1-8-20 at 4.52 AM.jpeg

Afin d'essayer de parvenir à la paix - Napoléon abandonna sa femme et épousa la progéniture d'un ennemi qui avait été malhonnête avec lui. Cette fille était de réputation peu attrayante. Néanmoins, le couple a trouvé quelque chose d'intéressant l'un dans l'autre - pour un temps. Lisons les lettres de Napoléon et de Marie Louise.
Au moment des lettres ci-dessous, Napoléon était tellement incité à la trahison par sa famille qu'il s'attendait à ce que son frère Joseph commence à séduire Marie Louise. La première lettre montre Marie Louise écrivant sur Joseph Bonaparte.


The memoirs so far are available here.

Les mémoires sont disponibles ici.

It’s interesting that Chiron is on Marie Louise’s Ascendant at the time of this letter. Il est intéressant que Chiron soit sur l'Ascendant de Marie Louise au moment de cette lettre.

It’s interesting that Chiron is on Marie Louise’s Ascendant at the time of this letter. Il est intéressant que Chiron soit sur l'Ascendant de Marie Louise au moment de cette lettre.

It’s interesting Napoleon’s moon is at his Ascendant in Scorpio while he shows emotional insecurity and jealousy at the time of this letter. Il est intéressant que la lune de Napoléon soit à son Ascendant en Scorpion alors qu'il fait preuve d'insécu…

It’s interesting Napoleon’s moon is at his Ascendant in Scorpio while he shows emotional insecurity and jealousy at the time of this letter. Il est intéressant que la lune de Napoléon soit à son Ascendant en Scorpion alors qu'il fait preuve d'insécurité émotionnelle et de jalousie au moment de cette lettre.