It’s so easy to see who is real and who is operating in bad faith (after paying attention for a while).

Once a person loses the narcissistic programming, their games and tricks simply don’t work anymore. 


The numbers started making no sense around the time this project showed the public something about the NXIVM cult in case anyone is wondering. I wasn’t on Facebook at that time, maybe that’s why those numbers seem more authentic at this time.


My LinkedIn numbers plummeted around a year ago. They went from about 2,000 views to 20. I barely get a view a day on SoundCloud (which I pay for). My Reddit page doesn’t go north of 45 subscribers. Youtube, to where I direct all my readings, registers almost nothing. My Instagram has been going only down. Steemit banned me and called me “bad” twice. Saidit banned me. My bitchute is perpetually frozen at the numbers I had a year ago.


Its also become very difficult to upload my Napoleon Memoirs on Youtube. See below - 1 view after a full day on my channel - as per usual.



Since then, I’ve also had innumerable “new internet friends” try to trick me into destroying my reputation through attempting to get me into public fights. Through trying to get me to post racist content. Through trying to manipulate me into supporting partisan politics. The last one tried whispering poison in my ear about the Napoleon saga and he or she is still targeting me on Facebook. Instead of ruining me, they merely offered me a look into their bag of tricks.


If someone wants to sneer at Napoleon, a great hero who gave his life fighting for humanity, and his family why do they feel the need to chase me around the internet to do it? 


I suspected years ago the day would come when “Napoleon scholars” would find themselves furious with me for contradicting their mountains of BS. That day seems fast approaching.


On another note: 

I believe both the democrats and the republicans originate from the same highly dishonest not so secret “club”. 



One thing that showed me that these tricks had not been working was when the guy who installed my stove six months ago told the other guy working with him, “that’s the one who exposed the politicians.”


I just want people to see how it is. 


When I asked a police officer for help about a new age healer’s scam that no one would stop, he told me I could complain on the internet and he said, “deeds done at night come to light.”


I was also surprised to learn that the laws favored the rights of a scammer to scam over those of the vulnerable that he targeted. The police personnel I spoke to seemed frustrated that the laws would not enable them to assist in my just cause. I’m frequently told this scammer appears to be flagrantly involved in trafficking.


A certain crowd seems to view themselves as quite untouchable when it comes to their criminal activity.


I say this every chance where it has been appropriate, I have been very well treated by almost all the police officers that I have interacted with throughout this project. The problem is at the very top. Know that. 


They can’t drive me off the internet without showing that they run it for their own dishonest aims. You know what they are by what they do. 
