Isn’t that an indication of how much we can believe internet numbers? I get about 1 listen per day on SoundCloud. Yet somebody tries selling me fake likes every day through my email.
I had a person in my comments (on YouTube) day after day telling me I could get YouTube numbers if I started promoting some hateful anti-human propaganda (like she was doing). Isn’t that interesting? I can get “numbers” - I just have to SOMEHOW sell out my integrity first.
These platforms are subversion and they are playing on the narcissism they have so diligently planted into the minds of the public.
I started this project partially because I was disgusted by all the sexy selfies and shows of consumerism that the current internet feeds on. I was curious if these narcissism perpetuating machines could be used to help set minds free from the poison some secretive group is pushing on us.
What dishonest group seems particularly fixated on numbers and the power that can be derived from them?
This group has certain calling cards and the manipulation of numbers is absolutely one of them. I learned this whole system is up to the gills manipulated once I started to understand stock trading. That’s numbers games and manipulation of the controlled press ALL DAY LONG.
Every day from every direction I get these come ons. I know I’m not the only one but this whole manipulated environment needs to be seen exactly for what it is. Is anyone with big internet numbers not bought and sold for some sneaky agenda?