To find out the “official” conspiracy narratives, I look for one of them and then see what the poster is pushing otherwise and then I compare them to the other set of “official” conspiracy narratives other suspicious accounts are pushing.
If you are seeing a certain narrative all over - be aware of that. The internet and mainstream media are highly controlled. They control both sides to maximize their sense of power and conflict. It’s just an unfortunate reality with the type that’s running institutions and affairs at this time.
I think they take control of conspiracy narratives so they can make sure what they want hidden stays hidden.
They’re usually directing us to feel fear, uncertainly doubt and racial hatred.
Just another limited hangout situation. Spotting agents is important to stave off the all encompassing brainwashing they are trying to push on truthseekers.
Let’s look at a possible agent’s background:
Clue 1 - this narrative about how the military are encountering UFOs.
Clue 2, unusually high or low karma
What else are they pushing? Race baiting involving an actor. Check!
Something disturbing about politics and more race baiting. Check!
Fear uncertainty doubt? Check!
Other narratives pushed would be anything involving pedophilia, the latest false flag/violent event and Julian Assange/Edward Snowden/Alex Jones/Joe Rogen but the list goes on.
This is their damage control.