Hortense’s Jupiter.

Jupiter is like an amplifier, wherever we see Jupiter in a natal chart, we should expect to see that area turned up. Jupiter is also associated with high minded pursuits, helping, foreign travel and teaching.

Hortense’s Jupiter is in a stellium (grouping) of planets with Mars and Pluto in a grand trine in earth signs. That says to me, big money, big war/activity and big transformation.


Jupiter is trine the Ascendant. This would give Hortense an overall greatness and generosity. Napoleon has Jupiter on his Ascendant - so they could both come off as generous and great. Jupiter is a bountiful energy and both were tireless in their giving.


Jupiter, anything I say about Jupiter also includes the Mars Pluto blend of energy in there because those planets are grouped. Jupiter is sextile Mercury. Hortense was a big communicator and thinker. What shows the Mars (activity) Pluto (spiritual power) blend is that Hortense really was bossy with Napoleon and her brother Eugene regarding her advice. Napoleon was Napoleon and her brother was ruling Italy. And they listened to her. There’s no doubt about that.

Proof of this is that when the Austrian government threw off their mask and started to bully Napoleon with threats of making war on him (again and again!) despite his marriage to an Austrian princess. The characters running Austria went to Hortense to try and and manipulate Napoleon’s mind. Say what you like about the rulers in Austria but they really could figure out people’s motivations for manipulative purposes. They knew Hortense was their best chance at getting into Napoleon’s head.

Jupiter is trine the Midheaven in Gemini (communications, mental activity). That is an area of the chart associated with fame and career. My Jupiter is by the Midheaven. This can refer to someone who makes a big splash in the areas of generosity and ideology.

Hortense’s Jupiter is square her Sun. How can that come across?


For more, click here. Hortense’s Jupiter is square Venus in Taurus (ruled by Venus). Let’s look at that energy.


For more, click here. Hortense has her Ascendant in Virgo which may have given her a bit of a prissy, uptight vibe. General Murat said, “One has to sigh a long time” to get her. Her reputation and morals were very important to her. Despite this she is known for having an illegitimate child with a man who seemed to be using her, or even worse, subverting her. I have made my case for this previously. This man did sigh a long time to get her to relent and this placement may indicate why she found this come on irresistible.

Since commencing this series, I’m seeing throughout my life how the energies playing out in my natal chart are running patterns in my life. I have some chronic health issues which are clearly represented there. I’m hoping that by doing this series I can show people that these energies are simple to understand. They are like colors. Aries (Mars) would be red. We all know what red feels like. Astrology seems preposterous to me but if it works, I’ll use it. The key here is that any difficult aspect can be used for good. The art is in finding out how. That’s where Intuition come in.

The Astrology Series so far is available here.