While Napoleon is marrying Josephine, he’s trying to make Louis into another him. Pendant que Napoléon épouse Joséphine, il essaie de faire de Louis un autre lui.

This is a letter written to Napoleon’s brother, Joseph around the time he was getting married to Josephine. Napoleon discusses his plans for their brother Louis. He also says the relationship with Eugenie (Desirée) is definitely over. Other letters by Napoleon can be found here.

Dear Joseph,

AN III (1795).

It was decided yesterday that those who fought against the siege of Toulon or who worked under the King were deemed to have emigrated. Fréron and Tallien spoke with the greatest force. It is today that the primary assemblies of Paris meet; there are many signs for and against, but we hope we will be wise. There is no doubt that the Constitution will be unanimously accepted: the only doubt is for the decree which orders that two thirds of the Convention will remain in place. I will continue to stay in Paris, especially for your business. You must not fear for me, whatever happens. I have for friends all the good people of whatever party and opinion they are. Mariette is extremely zealous for me: you know her opinion. Doulcet, I am very close to him; you know my other friends from the opposite view. Keep writing to me exactly; tell me what you want to do. See to arrange my business so that my absence does not prevent something I want.

I'm writing to your wife. I am very happy with Louis; he meets my hope and the expectation that I had conceived of him. He is a good subject; but also he’s my way: warm, spirited, healthy, talented, careful in business, his goodness. It’s all coming together.
You know it, my friend, I live only by the pleasure which I create.
If my hopes are seconded by this happiness which never abandons me in my businesses, I can make you happy and fulfill your desires. What you tell me about Félicien is very flattering: that he goes to Corsica, that he goes back with his money. I will give him a nice place near Paris, where he will live very well and can make his wife happy.
I deeply feel the deprivation of Louis; he was of great help to me: no more active, more skillful, more obliging a man. He did what he wanted in Paris; if he had been here, the business of the nursery would have ended, as well as that of Milleli.
Since I no longer have Louis, I can only go about my main business. Write to him, and tell him that you are waiting for the first sketch he has to send to see his progress, and that you have no doubt that he will keep his promise to write as well as Junot before the end of the month. I will have three horses tomorrow: which will allow me to run a little in a convertible and be able to do all my business. Farewell, my good friend; have fun, all is well; be cheerful: think about my business, because I have the madness to have a house. Since you are not there and want to stay abroad, the Eugenie affair must end. I eagerly await your response. You can stay in Genoa as long as you want; your reason is simple, it is to draw from Corsica the few pins that we have left. Hi from me to Felicino.


Il s'agit d'une lettre écrite au frère de Napoléon, Joseph au moment où il se mariait avec Joséphine. Napoléon discute de ses plans pour leur frère Louis. Il dit également que la relation avec Eugénie (Désirée) est définitivement terminée.
