Weepy Hortense can’t hide how much she misses her brother Eugene.

This letter by Hortense is part of a series. Previous entries are here.


Dear Eugene,

Thursday, 23 Brumaire [year XIV, November 14, 1805.]

Today is the day of your Saint’s Day and mine (1), my dear Eugène. Would you believe that I only cried when someone came to give me bouquets? I thought about last year when I had the good fortune to kiss you and I thought how sad this year was for both of us, since we are separated.

I still hope, however, that we will see each other soon. Hope is a very good thing. I notice it every day, but what is even better than that is the mutual certainty of our attachment which will never cease. I am sure of it. I will call my grandchildren together to kiss you and wish you a happy birthday.



(1) Hortense writes of the feast of Hortense. Hortense’s complete civil name was Hortense-Eugénie. November 15th is Saint Eugène day.
