Hortense’s Ascendant.

Let’s see what we find out. The Ascendant is in Virgo.


The above sounds right on. Napoleon called Hortense pedantic, which strikes me as a very Virgo quality.


The Ascendant is opposite Mercury.

This aspect could show up as an outspoken communicator. Hortense was known for the lively conversation and wit at her salons. She was also a controversial writer. Hortense’s Mercury is placed on her Descendant - which is a place of partners. Hortense communicated a massive amount about someone else - her stepfather Napoleon. My Mercury is also in the same house of partnership as Hortense’s.

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Mercury is the ruler of Hortense’s chart. She was integral to Napoleon’s publicity operations, so Mercury in that spot makes a lot of sense.

Another chart I’m looking at (below) is showing Hortense’s Venus trine her Ascendant. Venus is all about culture and art so that trine with the Ascendant makes perfect sense. Hortense was a gifted painter, writer, designer, dancer, musician, hostess, the list goes on . . .


We see a big blue triangle making aspects including the Ascendant - a grand trine in earth signs. Napoleon also has a grand trine in earth signs. Napoleon’s grand trine hits all the same constellations as Hortense’s, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

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The Ascendant is trine Saturn. Hortense was unusual in the sense that she worked very hard despite having always been somewhat wealthy. She was very strict with herself and careful with finances. She was also really into being a parent. It was said that the school she founded seemed a bit like a convent. All that says Ascendant trine Saturn to me.

I’m not pretending to be an Astrologer but I’m attempting another decode to see what happens. I like to learn by doing and I hope that you’ll join along.

The Memoirs of Queen Hortense are available here.

The Astrology Series so far is available here.