Marie Louise was lied to but accepting that would’ve meant ascribing fault to her father and that was just not going to happen.

Marie Louise was someone who worshiped her father, Emperor Franz II of Austria. She was highly trained to become a perfect princess in the service of that Empire. To try and get her father’s love, she had to become whatever he wanted her to be. The person who created the most problems for her father was a man named Napoleon.

This means that to get the love of those around her as a child she had to really, really show that she hated Napoleon and that she believed them when they taught her he was the Antichrist who stole their land and hit and murdered people around him.

When she finally was sent to marry Napoleon, she realized that he was not the Antichrist and that he was not murderous to his friends. He was ultra eager to please her.

At this point, Marie Louise could’ve seen that she was lied to by her family and she could’ve questioned them or she could have gone on with her hatred of Napoleon. We see from this diary, that she went on with her hatred of Napoleon. That means we’re dealing with someone who has something very fixed going on with her personality. The truth doesn’t really get through. Let’s look at some interesting excerpts I collected.


These excerpts come from a big state trip that Napoleon took to northern districts shortly after their marriage in 1810. This trip is mentioned in almost all of the memoirs. Here are some of Marie Louise’s thoughts about it:

The Emperor keeps her from enjoying her trip.


When the Emperor lets her out accompanying him, she can’t stand the people around her.


The doctors are useful when she wants to get out of doing things.


She’s got her tricks and they work.


She’s praying for death.


Some self reflections.


She’s superior to other monarchs because she’s so into the Duchess of Montebello.


The memoirs so far are available here.

The private diary of Marie Louise is available here.