A fixed cross is happening now.

Let’s look at this as the energetic weather.


What’s a fixed cross?

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That’s what a fixed grand cross looks like. Why should we care? Based on various decodes I have attempted to interpret from googling, the fixed cross is about the see saw between the comfort of the past and the scary unknown future. The fixed cross happens in the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The see saw is the juxtaposition of Taurus and Scorpio, between Leo and Aquarius. Taurus likes its possessions and it likes comfort. Scorpio will die for a cause and go down swinging. Leo likes all the attention. Aquarius will fight for a community cause and never sell out or back down.

It is the struggle between sitting there and watching sports with a beer in hand trying to get attention from the person in the kitchen and actually doing something that is greater than oneself. The fixed cross is the astrological representation of the rise to heroism. It is always difficult. It is always worth it.

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