Is the disinformation agent who tried poisoning this blog and my Facebook now chasing me to Quora?

I recently blocked this person on Facebook and asked if this person would pop up under another identity. Chasing me around the Internet is a strange thing for a published author of FICTION about Napoleon to do. I was wondering why the establishment had been putting out so many fiction novels about Napoleon and his family. Never in my life of obsessing about Napoleon did a person say to me, “why don’t the publishers put out more fiction using the characters of the saga of Napoleon?”

The way I see it, these agents have everywhere else to enjoy totally free reign to try poisoning the minds of the public, if that’s their aim. Encroaching my boundaries will just show exactly what they’re all about. I cannot be clearer to this person - stay off my lawn.

If the stalking continues, this group will continue to show the public that the Emperor’s legacy is being menaced in real time by them. This cabal clearly possesses plenty of money to hire lots of people to twist the truth about a great Hero who was murdered 200 years ago.

Napoleon repeatedly said that he was slowly being murdered while in captivity (for having committed the “crime” of standing up for the people). Napoleon specifically named the “English oligarchy” as his murderers. I’m pretty sure that before we’re done we will be able to establish BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that Napoleon was correct about his own murder.

We’ll see how well the block button works on Quora.


A certain nefarious group has been doing a lot of killing over the last 200 years. They know as well as I do that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Those spirits went somewhere and someone with an extreme level of sensitivity might be in touch with that. I’ve been told it sounds like I’m channeling while I read the memoirs. Maybe I am.