I’ve been trying to do good in a big way since 9/2014. I started painting rainbow art and I’d give it away on the streets of my area. Very quickly the police were sent to my house.
The local police were obligated to comply with a person in government who was infuriated with my giving art away on the streets in my area.
That was the beginning of how I became a magnet for this type of negative person who just has to stop something positive happening. I continued anyway.
Then I became the target of a new age conman who did everything possible to destroy me - in a way where it would be a bit difficult to call him out about it. This resulted in a lawsuit where he sued me in an attempt to silence me.
Then after that, I came upon a whistleblower saying he saw various politicians recruiting for a sex slave cult. I felt guided to hire a highly credible polygraph expert to test this whistleblower’s story.
That’s when all my new internet friends showed up wanting to help me, with strong ideas on the direction my project should take. They wanted me to present Donald Trump as a savior. They wanted me to laud Adolf Hitler. They wanted me to fight with shills on youtube. They wanted me to stop talking about the sex change situation involving children that appears to be going on. They wanted me to put disgusting violent stories on my blog. I could go on but essentially they wanted me to be guided out of obligation to their “friendship” to destroy myself and my work.
I get so many clever traps like this even now that I just do what I can to show what they are doing. It’s done in such a sneaky way that it really is difficult to SHOW what is really happening. If I can, I do my best to demonstrate the pattern of behavior.
For example, go to the Napoleon subreddit I run, see how quickly things get downvoted. It’s as if there are people there just waiting to downvote there. Sounds crazy, right? Test it yourself.
My project is wholly funded by myself and I offer free education. That’s nice, right? Yet my Wikipedia entry was taken down. Somebody took that Wikipedia down. Who took it down? Isn’t Wikipedia supposed to be by and for the people? I guess that’s all a ruse of some sort.
I’m spelling all this out because the terrible people operate in the shadows and they hide their names.
The story of Napoleon has been horrifically twisted by somebody - who knows who?
Since I know how the dark side operates and I’m broadcasting Napoleon memoirs, the whole story is starting to look like Napoleon vs. the Infiltrators.
If there is really an “order out of chaos” group - they need revolution so they can come in after and establish order with their puppets in charge.
The memoirs of Lavalette show that the French Revolution was fomented. Who fomented it? Who benefited? Then a government was installed. Who installed them?
Napoleon was trying to do his thing while this new government, the Directory, were in charge. They were so bad for France that Napoleon kicked them out and took over.
After this, Napoleon was drawn into one war after another for 15 years. Once they finally got rid of Napoleon, the vultures came in and carved up a lot of the world for themselves.
Therefore it is possible that Napoleon was highly manipulated by a group who used him to help them raze Europe so that they could turn it into what it has become.
I invite you to judge for yourself: