What do we think about regarding venus? It’s light green and it sparkles in the morning. It’s a goddess of art, love and beauty. She’s a pleasant woman you’d want to have around because she’s charming and social. Venus is like a wonderful banquet where you have all your favorite people assembled in one place.
For more on Venus, click here
The arrow above points to venus in my natal chart. We can see that it’s in Capricorn in the 9th house. While we haven’t gone into the concepts of Capricorn and the 9th house yet, it would be fair to say Capricorn is an ambitious, hardworking, earth concept and the 9th house is about increasing one’s horizons through travel and study. We can also see all these red lines emanating from venus in the chart. It’s also at the top of my chart next to the MC (medium coeli or midheaven).
Learn more here.
If you know your birth time, you can calculate your natal chart at astro.com
In addition to many aspects and proximity to my midheaven, venus is also my chart ruler because it rules my ascendant Taurus.
At this early point, we can see that Venus is very prominent in my chart. It is in my 9th house which pertains to learning and particularly learning about foreign matters. It is placed in the most industrious and determined constellation Capricorn. The red lines coming from it show aspects that are hard and difficult.
The Astrology Series so far is here: