When an honest person follows the laws but some in “power” don’t like their Truth, retaliation can take the form of DHR - Denial, Hassle and/or Ridicule.

I’m well aware that the Truth is hated by those who lie. The retaliation I experience is part of this story. 


Even though, I carefully followed the law -


Even though, my work is covered under the Legal Doctrine of Fair Use -


I’m watching YouTube block my videos that hardly anyone even watches from this channel.  Every. Single. Day. 


Watch my art videos before they are all gone. 


From now on I will share this with my readers as it continues to happen.


I’d like the public to see the consequences of behaving as I do. 


A lot of my point here is that we have the legal right to free speech BUT we are either intimidated out of using it or we are harassed  out of using it. What if I just keep showing what happens when someone stands up for their right to free speech?
