When I was a child, I was severely abused by the women in charge of me. When I complained to my father about it he told me I should be positive and I should never ever say I hate anyone. And that conversation was over.
When I found out a cult which sold themselves as a healing program deceived me; That cult sent flying monkeys over to me to try and guilt me into being “positive” to manipulate me into silence.
I hear someone in that cult is making quite a parade of its “positivity”. That individual makes a regular practice of defaming an innocent person because I guess that’s easier than making changes and becoming honest and good.
I realize now that “positivity” is the dark side’s version of good.
Just lie to oneself and others that one is “positive”. Lie lie lie some more and done.
This is how one can achieve the illusion of being good without doing anything but believing and telling lies.
Just like they say in that cult: “perception is reality”.
Just another of their torrent of lies.