Ben was severely trolled on the comments of this link above.
This what Ben wrote after he took enough aggression from the trolls:
This is My final comment on this board… Good Luck! As one of the trolls pointed out before anyone can post under my name, Ben Szemkus, so if someone else comes on saying they are Me, after the time of this post chances are…. just more Trolls, so watch what You chose to believe, vigilance and discernment are important qualities for those of You who want to keep an open mind. These commenters are nothing new and typically prove nothing valid, in the book of false arguments they have hit on multiple levels of smearing, name calling and promoting an outright campaign of discrediting that is likely to be their own downfall in the long run.
Three things to think about
I am using My real name to tell You about the experience I had,
I will pass any lie detector test put in front of me, and
between NXIVM, some close knit Politicians, Hillary Supporters
and Trump Haters I am likely to have a lot of enemies that
do not want this statement and deposition to come out.
Beware the Censorship and Silencers of truth. Look below at these comments. These are agendists on a mission to discredit any little thing that I have stated, I am in no way intimidated because what I am telling You is the truth.
Like I said this is My last Post on here…