Ben Szemkus makes me suspect there are even more shills than I believed previously.

Ben Szemkus is sharing an eyewitness account that he saw politicians and media figures at a recruitment mixer for a cult that is currently being charged with the sale of children.


I am trying to do the right thing so when I find credible evidence that backs up the theory that this world is run by a Saturn Death Cult, I feel it should be shared. I contacted every “Truther” I could about Ben’s story and I figured they would be glad to finally have this sort of “evidence”. Instead I pretty much ended up with an “exclusive” to Ben’s story though that’s not what I really wanted. 


ThaUrbanDisciples has made another one of his mashups about the war between the real Truth warriors vs. the shills. We never really know who is an agent. 


It really is scary to learn that the people with the most money and the most power seem to be using that money and power to oppress children and to evade the law. They get away with it because of the cowardice of the populace. That can change. We don’t know our own power. The Truth is very powerful. Liars quake is the face of it. They know what they are and do so we.