Truth Factory on Free Speech.

Offering different perspectives is a tool for one to look at matters critically. I like the Truth Factory but I do see how this channel might help support the left/right divide. I sense the Truth is behind a few layers. I think most of what we see in the media, including the internet, is stories intended to mess with minds and to manufacture consent for oppressive machinations from the despots. I fight to expose the Truth because I’m hoping if people see the mind games, then they will stop getting tricked by them.


The manipulators don’t have that many moves: 


They hassle


They deny


They ridicule


They do threats


Above all, they lie. 


They are like any abuser. 


See through these games. (In my opinion) Roseanne is a puppet. Kanye is a puppet. Trump is a puppet. It’s a show. They know if someone appears persecuted, the blind will just go running to do what the oligarchs are intending.