Were The Beatles One Of The Most Successful Psyops Of All Time?

As always I may be wrong but I am operating under the idea that the British Empire is probably bigger and more powerful than it’s ever been. I think they hide a lot of their heinousness behind the heinousness of the US and Israel. I view the US and Israel as being deeply connected if not secretly under the rule of Britain.

This latest sham royal wedding appears to be another one of their mindf**k psyops. Stay tuned. It’s going to be a bunch of drama.

If I’m right, in a sense, The British Empire is a massive art project with gillions of other smaller art projects folded into it.

What were the Beatles? 

They were the leading band of the “British Invasion”. The Beatles were how the Crown got their hooks further into the minds of the populace.

Didn’t the Crown start giving them their precious awards early on? That’s probably because they were puppets of that same Crown. 

At first the Beatles were cute. By 1970, the Beatles had opened A LOT of people up to Occult Worship, promiscuity, cigarette smoking and drugs. 

Did they replace Paul McCartney? Most people won’t see it because of cognitive dissonance. They just don’t want to face that the Band which they LOVED were a bunch of deceitful puppets. 

Scratch the surface and you will know the Truth.  

After watching a lot of these Faul McCartney videos, I can see that Paul and Faul were different. Once you tune into the difference, you’ll see it. They had different personalities.  
