LinkedIn deleted my account yesterday. I had 16.5 thousand contacts. My posts got thousands of views. I discussed on there how some of the top government types just seem to have child trafficking and murder clues surrounding them. A LOT.
This person in the video below also talked about the same concern. Andrew Breitbart (RIP) said years before “pizzagate” that this was happening.
The human trafficking cover up appears to include YouTube AND LinkedIn. The public demands a real investigation. Since we don’t get what we are demanding, you can see that notions of “democracy” and “justice” in this country ring hollow.
AND the media is demanding that honest people give up their guns and they are invoking the suffering of children to put us in a mental trap to manipulate us into consenting to the dismantling of the Constitution.
We are talking about the same media that CLEARLY actively suppresses the Truth when it comes to the ongoing satanic ritual abuse and murder of innocent children.
We’re fake news? Then why don’t they investigate sincerely to prove all of us dummies wrong?