Here’s a new divide and conquer distraction for the masses. Now that the media has anointed David Hogg to be a big famous and powerful person, he is now in a “celebrity feud”.

I think Fox News is controlled opposition and most of the people on there don’t look like the gender they’re pretending to be so - I’m not a fan obviously. Apparently one of the people on there, Laura Graham tweeted that David Hogg was whining about not getting into all the top colleges.

I have reason to believe he graduated from high school already and I posted my evidence (such as it is) on this blog already. At this point, we’ve unearthed so many lies that it doesn’t even matter. If you don’t believe he didn’t graduate from high school already, that’s fine. BUT he doesn’t even attend high school anymore as per his own story.

Now David Hogg and the shadowy forces behind him have weaponized Graham’s “cyber bullying” to attack Fox News or the “right” or whatever they’re after today. A lot of advertisers stopped sponsoring Graham’s show. The shadowy forces and Hogg are demanding that all the sponsors flee Graham.

Graham apologized and Hogg refuses to accept the apology.

There’s some mainstream media BS for you today. It’s a distraction and it’s brainwashing in my opinion.

Enjoy the clown show. This is how the powers that should not be herd the masses around.
