My response:
It’s a larger project made up of smaller projects. Crochet is a project inside the project. Every little crochet project is inside the crochet part of the larger project. Sort of like a Fibonacci pattern made of smaller Fibonacci patterns. The Napoleon Series is a project inside the project.
The larger project started 9/14 where I basically gave up and asked God to tell me what to do, no exceptions. The first act of this was to put rainbow art all over the streets of the Hamptons where I live. Then I started fighting to raise money for the hospital women’s cancer charity using the rainbow art. The idea behind this was not only to obey God in an effort to kickstart a real life hero’s journey but to also SHOW that I was sort behaving like Napoleon.
He and his stepdaughter Hortense did a lot to promote hospitals and art and they were fearless about standing up to the establishment.
So the main project is the hero’s journey live to honor God and Napoleon.
It is comprised of more spinning plates than I can count.
This is a Fibonacci swirl. It is like my Project in the sense that there’s a larger picture made up of smaller elements. The hero’s journey element of the project would be the larger over riding swirl. I’ve been doing the hero’s journey live across various platforms since 9/14. The reaction to this project tends to unmask people for good or ill.
This Instagram account is where you can see the Project play out in its earlier days.