My response:
Many say it was de Montholon. I went with that theory in my play.,_marquis_de_Montholon
The book the Murder of Napoleon, goes into detail about how Marchand’s Memoirs along with his locks of Napoleon’s hair point to de Montholon being the poisoner. Notice how the British article above subtly discredits the theory and Ben Weider. The English government does not want this out while they act like they have nothing to worry about.
Ben Weider recognized my plays and gave me an honor (he made me a fellow in his Napoleonic Society) and he invited me to his Legion of Honor ceremony in Montreal which I attended.
I also told Weider I had heard Napoleon ask me to vindicate him. Weider told me he heard the same voice saying the same thing. That was tremendous validation for me that something beyond this realm was going on. This was all before I studied in Paris. That’s where the spiritual stuff started inundating me. That’s a very haunted environment.
Since Amazon says the Murder of Napoleon is 136 Dollars maybe I should find a copy and broadcast that too. I want the record absolutely straight on this. They still try to trick people out of believing Napoleon was murdered.
At the links below you’ll find:
With Napoleon on St. Helena
With Napoleon in Russia