When agents are sent after me, it’s pretty clear what they are after. This agent just so happened to also promote tourism to castles and she would push the whole aristocrats-are important-and-wonderful story that we’ve all heard so much about.
She once accused Hortense Bonaparte of not being credible because the agent cited something that Napoleon’s stepdaughter had left out of her memoirs. So this agent was truly desperate.
Now I have a stream that goes down at a cartoonish rate and I have another stream that stays up for a few days - usually - until it usually goes down. What’s the difference? The stream with The Memoirs of Queen Hortense inside it is the one that goes down far more frequently. It seems like more harassment to me.
Why would I get a particularly ridiculous amount of harassment about the Memoirs of Queen Hortense? I have made this book available in the sidebar of this blog. I have read it aloud in English and French. Find out for yourself. I have been making a case for years that this is a suppressed book.
My streams are obviously so shadowbanned that I am continually finding it difficult to locate my own streams on my own channel when I’m signed in as administrator of that channel. What is going on?
Can you figure out why so much money is being spent clearly to try in vain to keep the information in this book from the public?
Harassment is illegal. Deceiving the public about the true nature of YouTube is fraud and it’s dishonest business practices. Lying about my numbers is defamation and it’s rigging the game against someone for being honest. I’m supposed to have freedom of speech in the country in which in live (under virtual house arrest). Penalizing me for being honest is wrong and it reflects very poorly on whomever is doing this me. Every day, it’s feeling more like a gangster’s paradise around here and I hope we will unite about it.
I suggest that we shine a light on that hidden hand enemy within every chance we get.