Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Let’s meet the heroic Lawyer Rotem Brown of Israel.

Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.

Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Rotem Brown who has been working to bring informed consent to the Israeli people who are being hammered with lies by their media and government. Ms. Brown speaks of how Holocaust survivors were barred from a Holocaust memorial in Israel - of all places - because they didn’t have a “green passport”. People who refuse to have science experiments done on them - as was done in Nazi Germany - were barred from attendance! History is repeating itself and that is why I work so hard to share REAL HISTORY. To watch this Lawyer speak, start the video at minute 1:35.

Rotem Brown: Good evening everybody. Thank you so much for this platform. I find this conversation fascinating. The people of my country are very curious to know and to listen and to hear first hand from people all around the world because the mainstream media is so deceitful that you cannot even fathom the real situation. I would go so far to say that our entire reality is being fabricated by those who have the power and the interest to do so and that they gain so much from this pandemic. I don’t see any point in elaborating about things that we all know. I just want to say that our situation in Israel is very unique in the sense that most of the population, most of the people who have a voice, who are grown up are vaccinated. If you have any way to avoid vaccination, I cannot even call this thing a vaccine. It is not a vaccine. It’s a gene therapy. Our Israeli People’s Committee are investigating the adverse effects, the side effect of this, I don’t know what to call it, this liquid. This gene therapy. We are witnessing horrible horrible side effects. Nobody will ever compensate these people because it’s called a vaccine, it’s not called a medication. There are different rules about liability. For myself, I can say I used to be a very peaceful lawyer. I have an office in Tel Aviv. But one year ago, I woke up to realize I’m an activist. Since then I work day and night. I have another colleague working with me. His name is Irit and we are filing more and more applications for the high court also as Uriel stated before me that trying to go to lower tribunals can be devastating. Also because the media is so into strengthening the deceitful narrative of the pandemic. We are fighting giants. That’s at least the way we feel. It’s David and Goliath in this biblical myth. We are David and we are fighting Goliath. We need to act quickly and with wisdom. This is what we are trying to do. We have the green passport in Israel. Which is probably the most fascist horrible thing that has ever happened in our country. It’s unbelievable. It is unbelievable that such a thing has happened in the state of Israel where we have holocaust survivors. We had holocaust day a month ago and the ceremonies wouldn’t allow holocaust survivors to come if they didn’t have green passports. Can you imagine a thing like that? A person who went through that, went through the camps and was experimented on is now going through the whole trauma again. In their own state. It’s astonishing.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We had one of the holocaust survivors, we interviewed her. Her name is Vera Sharav.

Uriel Cohen: I spoke to her on the phone and she was very nice. She told me the story and she enlightened me on Klaus Schwab and the whole clique. She pointed me in the right direction to read and learn a little about what is actually happening.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: The most important thing she said is that she never expected to have to fight the very same people again that she had to fight against 70 or 80 years ago. What I don’t understand, I do understand it’s because of the media’s propaganda. I don’t understand why the holocaust survivors do not get a voice in your country. They must make themselves heard. Everybody should hear their stories so that would be a very stark warning.

Uriel Cohen: Historically there’s been a problem with the survivors. Sometimes they are not treated economically well enough in the country. Which is weird but I don’t know.

Rotem Brown: I would say that the brainwashing is so powerful that we are experiencing such a cognitive dissonance among the people that the fight, the war, is about consciousness. I saw the email that you sent about the PCR Test and I think that truly the most guilty is the mainstream media and the brainwashing and I don’t even think is we told people that the PCR Tests are, excuse me, bull shit that they would actually believe it. Because they are so brainwashed. The only recourse we have is to go to the High Court of Justice. We will make very big lawsuits. We don’t actually have a constitution in Israel but I’m fighting to protect a few thousand people. I represent a group of teachers who were threatened to be fired or forced to be injected with the Pfizer liquid or to be tested and they are at least left alone for now. I represent the Israeli People’s Committee and the parents of children. Now they are starting to mandate PCR Tests in school. Of course the real purpose is to inject them. It’s highly dangerous and experimental. They are hiding the fact that the whole thing is experimental which is the purpose of another application we made. The deceit. The whole deceit, the propaganda about the Pfizer liquid was presented on television. There was this logo saying “FDA Approved” and that they said that it went through the strictest of tests which is a complete lie. There was no test. There is emergency authorization. It was given on the sole word of Pfizer and without any tests. Also the thing was not tested in Israel. It was just shipped here. And literally 5 million people were injected, which is insane. There are only 9 million people in the country.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: But you’re saying if I have written this down correctly, 5 million people were vaccinated, 2.5 million children are supposed to get vaccinated but they haven’t been vaccinated yet.

Uriel Cohen: Yes but they are only authorizing right now vaccinations between the ages of 12 and 16, of course not the 2.5 million.

Rotem Brown: High school children, 16 and above are vaccinated. Now the discrimination is so severe that if you have a 16 year old unvaccinated child, they cannot go to the annual trip with the other children. They can go and do everything that is not fun. Anything that is fun, they cannot do. Which suggests the whole green passport is punitive. It doesn’t have epidemical logic behind it. The scientific aspect is so essential. In our committee we have scientists, doctors, media experts, lawyers, we are trying to combine forces and not to come across as conspiracy theorists. Which is what they are trying to say about us. I have friends who actually asked me if I believe the world is flat. That’s how brainwashed people are. People who know me. I am a lawyer. I am an economist. I have another degree in business. For people who know me to say such a thing to me that shows you how brainwashed people are.

(Agents have repeatedly tried tricking me into representing myself as a believer of the flat earth story. Who pays for these agents to hound me?)

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: This is the same story that’s happening all over the world. The other side is afraid of our opinions. They are afraid of our scientific arguments. That’s why they must do everything they can to keep us at the margins, flat earthers, whatever. They can only attack us personally. They cannot attack our opinions because there’s no way, if they had us on a talk show for example, on television, their whole house of cards would immediately collapse. Because as you may have noticed, those stooges, or puppets whose strings are being pulled by those behind them are not very smart. They are not the brightest candles on the shelf. I’m not going to say they are stupid people but they are not very bright. They put them there because they are easy to handle and that’s why they don’t want them to talk to us. At least not in public.

Rotem Brown: I would like to say to that, in the beginning, I was interviewed about my struggle when I first started to represented the teachers of Israel. The media actually chased me and I knew that they are manipulative and this is advice I can give you all. You should never give an interview that is not live. Only live interviews, because they edit it and make you sound ridiculous. They will do anything, anything, to represent anyone who is not going along with “the narrative” as fake news. The media are, a least for my part, the most dangerous tool of all. I’m not sure that they are even have anything to offer us. They are bought and paid for and there is nothing we can do with them except maybe sue them.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: You have to choose your battles. You can’t fight every battle but listen, in my view, there are a lot of people out there who share our views, most of them keep quiet at this point. For example the other day I had to go to the German equivalent of the Department of Motor Vehicles and there was this women talking to me from behind this shield. I got the impression that she was not very happy with what she was doing. She was wearing a mask but she kept pulling it down. She made a joke but she seemed like she didn’t really mean for it to be funny and I asked her from where she got her information and she said, “not from the mainstream media”. I said check out our Corona committee, it’s https://corona-ausschuss.de. She said, “we do get information from the mainstream media” she stopped and she paused and said, “but we all know it’s bull shit.” Many more people understand what’s going on than we think. Many are beginning to realize that there’s something wrong. That’s why we have to reach out to them and not antagonize them because it’s not really their fault. It’s the fault of the mainstream media. We will not be able to save everyone. Dr Mike Yeadon, Professor Bhakdi, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, many many others, if half of what they’re telling is true. Dr. Tenpenny from the United States, if only half of that is true then many people will be in deep trouble, many vaccinated people will be in deep trouble, once they are confronted with a live virus in the Fall probably.

Rotem Brown: Probably our salvation will come from your direction because in Israel the catastrophe is the amount of people who were vaccinated. Once people get this thing injected into their body, they are committed to the narrative. They don’t want to think they’ve been fooled. I think it was Mark Twain who said, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled” once they were fooled it is almost impossible to get them out of the trap.

Uriel Cohen: Their minds need to assert the reality that they chose vaccination. That must be their reality.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Once you’ve gotten vaccinated it’s going to be almost impossible to listen to the other side. What is the other side going to tell you. You may die. No one wants to hear this. However not everyone is going to die. There is hope. Even for those people but they are in grave danger.

Uriel Cohen: I’ve heard some parents saying that they are starting to realize that their decision was not good and they are choosing to not vaccinate their children. I’ve heard that in some cases. Or they don’t want to take the next dose, the third dose.

Rotem Brown: I try to say in our lawsuits in the High Court that discrimination is a more severe illness than corona. The suppression of human rights is more dangerous than any disease. I try to remind them that countries that have only one opinion are the most dangerous countries in the world. Pluralism, once we lose that, it’s not coming back.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That is true. That’s why we have to fight.