Professor Antony Mueller

I’m the Brazilian who wants to learn German. Antony is the German professor who teaches in Brazil.

A lot of the trap the military built around me is that the public is being brainwashed to fear and misunderstand my reality.

Antony helped me a great deal when he published a scholarly article on Medium about Frankism. This fantastic article was of course taken down - probably due the mommy music star’s endless coverup about how she is running the military to kill us and destroy what could be our happiness.

We need to unite against her now. Our best interests.

John Sokolowski

Was some 1 who seemed like a plant in my internet interactions. He’s telling me he was sent from the military to play these games on me.

He was and is on my side and we will win.

He was a White House photographer during the tenure of Barack Obama.

He is very devoted to this cause which is wonderful to see.

He’s saying I cannot know how horrible it is for us to mistreat you when we love you.

She sends all these people to me to frame them in my eyes and she forces them to mistreat me.

Why?? So I’ll feel worthless.

The government pays all these people to make me feel worthless.

What happens?? I’m an Empath. I can feel their love.

What is accomplished??

She unites the world against herself.

When the military forces people to harm me to damage my worth, it makes it impossible to endure them.

Why is the military destroying our ability to love each other?? Elvis is constantly tortured that it is his career to betray me.

I’ll always roll out the red carpet for John. He did what he could to help us and he was tireless about helping me work on my Stella Scooter. Very patient and he had expert advice.

He has all the blackmail because he was a White House photographer.

Roll the dice and I will too.

John will accept this. He is extremely tortured by what Missus Lucifer is doing to us. He’s some 1 who has all the blackmail on this insane asshole. His words.

So this is another great scoop.

“Yes. More to come.”

Her shit . . . .

His father was surrounded with plants deluding him he was what I am.

So the son - deluded he’s an A lister in this world - would view himself as superior to me. When 1 day I’d tell him the truth about myself, I’d sound delusional to him - the deluded 1.

This was the principal method Lucifer in heels devised to drive me mad so she could trap me into dying in her ritual.


We’ll have to become hunters. There is no other way. We are enslaved by their monopoly over food and shelter.