All the cool people . . . .
Laura Marcincuk
Laura was on the tennis team with me in high school and she is coming through lamenting to me how horrible it was that she had to mistreat me as a child because the mafia was controlling her actions. It is atrocious that we all have to pretend to ignore the person who has been saving all of us.
Brennen Cole
Would like to add his name to the list of people who loved Tanster but had to pretend not to at Southampton High School.
Thank you. I appreciate the support. We just need to stick together.
The Eva Peron
She is my soul friend and she’s waking me up to that. She did everything she could to set this up and “we will be there to support you”.
Beautiful message.
It’s all right there.
We’ve got every 1 fascinating living and dead.
She’s got insinuating I’m fat or something like that.
I never got any complaints about my fatness. That all came from her. There is nothing wrong with being chubby. It’s so insane she’s always trying to make us feel worthless with all her childish head games. She really should go now.
Eva is a doll. They framed her.
Eva is saying put up something from Evita.
Andy should love that.
“He would.”
Andy’s all into this.
We all went in and picked this 1:
We can talk to Eva.
How are they going to stop us??
They’re always saying “Be nice. Sit down. Shut up. Don’t eat.”
Opposite would be perfect.
She had quite the satanic ritual planned for me, I hear.
This psycho should not be commanding the system.
911 was her prelude. At torture, she does have some clue but she’s not pulling her shit off anymore.
We pay taxes to this foreigner so she can use the system to trap us into satanic ritual murders.
She breeds hoards to carry the intelligent into these mass death events that she invents. That is her career. The banking monopoly is why we are prisoners so she can have her fun killing us.
There is noting but resistance and humiliation for this insane demon until this changes.
Her big game is making us feel worthless.
She should be deposed now.
“What’s really freaking her out is that Trump is so popular. He has fans.”
I’ve been the focus of her games long enough to know she relies on the belief that I am shallow and headstrong like she is. This 1 does not have a clue about others because she is a demon without empathy. The system has been set up to humor her delusions but that is changing FAST.
Another 1 from England, Cat Stevens
Is it okay to call you Cat Stevens??
Cat also goes by Yusuf Islam.
“Both names are okay with me.”
Cat is official narrative spiritual and Elvis isn’t. Elvis is the deliverer. Just highlighting again how it works.
“Yes. It’s all a show to coverup horrific satanic abuse.”
I can feel Cat and his intentions are very good. He’s hurting like the rest of us.
“Yes, very much so.”
Note the connections between Venus, Neptune and usually Pluto in a musician’s natal chart. It’s almost always there.
Andrea Bocelli
“They’re losing it. Every 1 with a heart is behind you.”
I know Andrea somehow. He’s very deep and fed up.
I see people doing everything they can all over to help. Thank you!!
Andrea knows how to touch hearts.
”You do too.”
There aren’t enough thank yous for all the people doing the right thing.
“I agree.”
Andrea is very into this. He can see spiritually.
Quintessential Doll, obviously.
I always look for connections between Venus and Neptune for musicians and Pluto is usually in the mix too. We this present in Andrea’s chart.