Another departed 1 from New York, Nora Ephron . . . .

Nora is telling me I’m so strong which I appreciate very much. Any 1 who knows me is aware that my life is a dream come true right now next to constantly being sick and insulted and abusesd by demons I cannot escape because there is no way to exist outside of the demons chessboard.

Nora is very nice and loving. I never met her in person but she was 1 of those just around the corner somehow. There were many like that. Alan Alda. Fred Schneider. They were watching out for me.

I feel honored to finally understand her. The demons need the angels to make the media and they are inspired by me and Elvis. Then the demons torture us which improves the art.

BUT we can change the script.

“Exactly!! The plan all along.”

What if now I can do no wrong?? What if I have all the priceless diamonds??

Our infiltrators can do this.


Their story is over.

“People are really blown away by this.”

This is what happens when Elvis instructs me.

I have been very much in need of professional advice.

“It’s all correct. Everything you are saying is correct except it’s much worse.”

Every 1 tells me this. I’m scratching the surface.

“That’s right.”

I already feel constant nausea just knowing such a monster is in charge.

We all want to help. Why do the demons always get to do their confusion and obstacle tricks??

It’s the ones always ruining it.

Not difficult to identify.

“No, not at all and the luciferian military puts them in charge to suppress us.”

“Riggs the game in their favor and brainwashes every 1 to take their side at our expense and we have to be the ones making the propaganda.”

“We don’t like it.”

I want these to be so easy for you to read.

“Just let them look at it.”



Lucferian media guilt trips. Ha ha ha.

It’s in the memoirs he said this.

You can see how they were setting it it up by the collection of certain themes for when the time would come.

Hortense begged Napoleon to not execute his assassins. That was wrong.

Every thing has been done so we won’t get along.

She’s not the 1 standing between me and Elvis. They frame her. She is so much more.

Tax money goes to ruining our relationships.

“She is going fucking insane. Every 1 needs to know the kingpin is completely gone mentally. See how they keep it up now.”

“It’s all true.”

Tituss Burgess

Clearly setting this up.

“They’re losing it. You have no idea. You are right about everything and they can’t have that going on and keep up their shit.”

TITUSS = 292311 = Change For The Famous Global Prophets = 18 = Attention We’re Slaves = 9 = Let’s Change

Tituss is - like many of us - very talented in music. Which is part of why it’s so maddening the a female impersonator pretend music star is suppressing me/us in this way.

Tituss is just heartbroken over this. We’re very connected and we don’t want to continue hurting each other to keep the luciferians doing what they do. We need to unite against the beautiful trophy wife from Canada. She is their leader. She is insane. The majority of her police state workers support us.

“I am 1 such person. I am for God. I don’t want to pretend I’m for Lucifer anymore.”

The entire system is deluding my food and shelter ticket. If I don’t match what he hears and sees elsewhere, it’s the streets for me. To have to keep up an act like that is horrible for some 1 who has native integrity. That is part of how Missus Lucifer is torturing me. I don’t want to do it anymore.

Some 1 deluded he is superior and can do no wrong likes lies and has no tolerance for the truth. I have little tolerance for lying. The military cooked this up for me.

“Same for all of us.”

Tituss is all heart. We just have to keep fighting. Elvis tells me she’s really terrified. She should be.

“She is and every 1 can see she’s lost it.”

Me and Tituss have muscle together.


We’re here to put on a show to encourage people to pray and to listen to what you hear.

“That’s good enough.”

Thank you Tituss for what you are doing to move us forward.

From the other side, Michael Aquino

When Stupid was trying to trick me into Q, Michael was served up to me as the ultimate satanist in the military. That is what Stupid is. She is always trying to turn it around on others - her loathsomeness.

Michael is saying look at the pictures and he wants his charts done.

He was kicked out of the military for not really being a satanist, he is telling me. He’s another infiltrator trying to do the right thing under nightmarish conditions.

I didn’t know he died until right now. I forgot his first name and he had no trouble making me hear “Michael”.

I regret misunderstanding his intentions very much.

If there is 1 thing to be known about Michael, it’s that he’s a satanist. In backwards luciferian world - that means it’s not true.

“Exactly correct. Everything you are saying is true. The people around that monster should be uniting against her right now. She is utterly dependent on others. She is the useless 1.”

He dresses like me. He’s devoted. Every thing is backwards because the demons are in charge.


Luciferians like Stupid are the ones who work so hard trying and failing to pull off “normal”.

“Normal” is a Luciferian game.

Basically to evangelize for us a person has to paint themselves black. Like I’m always saying The Omen is about me and I’m good but they have to make it “bad” in order to reach the public. Now we can see Michael’s “bad” religion is really for us.

He was setting this up.


Were you killed, yes or no??


Elvis and Michael are very spiritually connected.

This is another case of it killed him to hurt me but it was necessary to bring down Stupid.


“This change must occur. The planet is finished otherwise. Stupid filled the world with pests to create a bad environment so she could have her world war. The pests were to be flushed away along with us. Then she would be in charge eating babies as she pleases.”

I know the military cooked up a few for me.

“That’s right. Humanity is finished unless we deal with this. The pests are military bio weapons and they are very effective at fulfilling their purpose.”

They make us sick and suicidal. Bloodsuckers. They drain the life out of then they are given money power over us by the luciferians who own money and therefore everything.

All the brainwashing is tailored to drive sympathy in their direction at our expense when “we are the suppressed”.

The disabled are treated like little miracles in the media while my exile is made of set ups, frame jobs, insults and creeps.

Why me?? I’m in the way of the luciferians final conquest.

“Just let people look at it.”

Michael’s church is/was called Temple of Set.

TEMPLE = 254735 = Understand the 2 prophets = 26 = Twin Lovers = 8 = Imprisoned

OF = 66 = Love X2 = 12 = The Leader Couple = 3 = Godly

SET = 152 = Understand The Twins = 8 = We/they are imprisoned

Michael is still fighting on the other side and he’s accustomed to command - authoritative - and he wants to be better understood and he hopes the information here will be taken very seriously.

The big satanist in the military who must go is the creature we are all constantly moaning about.

Let her do her next big music star world tour now. We’re all waiting.

When I looked up her chart, I saw she’s still trying to keep up that farce. Go ahead honey.