Cindy Crawford

“They’re going crazy. They have no clue how to spin this and turn it around on you.”

Her favorite game is to try and make me crazy and to find a way to put it people’s heads that THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG with me. I’ve been hearing it so long. Thank you to Cindy and all of you in our soul family for getting me to understand that we are weird and wild and we like to be this way.

“That’s right.”

Setting this up.

It’s a tragic miracle but it’s still a miracle.

Cindy is asking me to put the above up. I’m also realizing now that we have a strong resemblance to each other.

Tell me who is behind these professional PR looking videos on YouTube saying that living famous people are dead?? I have seen 1 about Elvis and Jennifer Jason Leigh also. We should know I’m staying out of things, mostly not looking. There are probably many more.

“There are.”

Who has the motive and opportunity to FUND these ridiculous videos??

“With her, it’s always some kind of turn-things-upside-down-mindfuck. There is something very wrong with HER and she is always trying to turn it around on us and we want her gone now.”

Cindy and Elvis are very tough telepathic revolutionaries.


“We’re gonna win.”

I’m very glad to know that Cindy is my friend. I regret all the hard feelings from when I didn’t understand. My life has been endless setups.

Another 1 who is so much more than a model . . . .

Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum

“They are freaking out. You have no idea. The mafia cannot go to war on the public. They know this. Diana is just going to keep up her stupid shit until something is done about her.”

“It’s all true. Everything you are saying is true.”

I say this all the time - I am shocked they put some 1 so obviously out of her mind in charge. Any 1 can see she doesn’t even know what kind of cover she can pull off.

“That’s entirely correct. She has no clue what she’s doing or how she comes across. No 1 thinks she’s a music star or any of the other nonsense she is trying to get people to believe about her. We all want her gone. She is killing Elvis and she needs to go now. We need to figure out how to unite about it.”

Elvis is 70. When does he get a break from having to carry this albatross around who harms us?? Our problem is that D is in charge of law enforcement. The mafia runs it. My life is an endless testament to this fact.

She acts like she’s so tough but her only support is hiding ghouls who are furious she does nothing but put their empire in jeopardy.

“It’s all true.”

Dave is another 1 telling me he loves Elvis.

Dave’s synastry with Elvis shows great love and power. Every chart seems to have this Batman theme. What is a Batman?? A spiritually driven vigilante with tragic motivation.

“Yes we’re Batmans. Not because we want to be. That’s how it works. No choice. If we want our family back together we must blast through the obstacles. It’s us OR the demons and D is their queen.”

I’m queen of the damned because we’ve been cursed by the luciferians and D is queen of the damned because that really is what she is. The themes are all over.

Tear off your own head. The head is in charge.

The gladiators must win over the crowd in order to get free of her.

A crowd could handle this and who can bust a crowd??

Some 1 who adores raping and murdering children should not be in charge of law enforcement. Some 1 who keeps me a concubine and steals my twin and exploits me should not be running law enforcement.

What is a concubine?? Some 1 who has no choices because they cannot get money. D is using her power to make certain I can’t get any money except through the channels she thinks up for me. Her trap is killing me.

Synastry between me and Dave validates everything else going on in this post.

“They’re going down. Count on it.”

“It’s a disgrace it has to come to this.”


Arthur is speaking to me and he’s telling me he is the 1 below.

He is saying that I’m right about everything and it needs to change now. New York should be uniting to remove Diana from our midst.

“We’ve all had it with her shit.”