Hortense discusses how the Duke de Orleans acted like he was cool with the Bonapartes (but was he really?)

This is a sort of sequel to Hortense’s amazing memoirs which can be found here.


The previous text can be found here.

English translation.

thanks to the Duke of Orleans. They viewed his family life as moral and interesting. These virtues and a bourgeois simplicity had seduced them. It was a real affection. Without ceasing to be a duke, while upholding the name he bore, his character sufficed to reassure them all. They believed him alone capable of carrying out the destinies of France.

I had often seen these distinguished citizens. They hid little of their feelings. This party, along with those who, after the example of England, had longed to make one of the Orleans, a William, assured the crown of the duke at once.

I did not doubt it would happen and my predictions were not incorrect. On seeing the tricolor flag raised, voices rose, it is true, in favor of Napoleon II, but they soon yielded to the ascendency of those who possessed the general confidence. The Duke of Orleans was recognized king; but the people, seldom ungrateful regarding the benefits they had received, were longing for recognition of the memory of the Emperor!

The people accepted this new King after he offered the return of the body of Napoleon and his statue on a column, the return of his family, and the acknowledgment of our former victories, which seemed in line with those which the new king had just won.

I received a lot of letters at that time. Some said, "We have fought for your cause”. The others said, “We are finally free, and we are going to see you again” ... I understood that the new king was going to be in a difficult position, between an old, legitimate popular affection, which sought to remember a great man, and the need to maintain control. He bore a name which recent events caused the people to mistrust. What should he do? The answer was not easy. As to the principles which were to direct his actions, they seemed indicated in advance.

When I was young, I used to try to explain to myself why -

To be continued.

The memoirs so far are available here.

Hortense’s explanation why she broke the law is here.